Ivan Fiala is dead. Legendary mountaineer and father of Zuzana Fialová


On Friday, July 13, Slovakia learned a sad report. At the age of 76, the legendary Slovak climber Ivan Fiala left us forever. This is the racaweb.sk portal.

The father of actress Zuzana Fialová recorded the story with pioneering sports performances. He spent hundreds of trips to the Tatras, in the Alps, for example, the pillar Veveričiek on Cima Ovest, the first access to Blaitiére. Liezol on Pamir, Norway, Hidakush, Alaska Exit to Mt. McKinley, Andes Huascaran and Aconcagua.

He was most famous on July 11, 1971, when Michal Orolin was the first mountaineer of the time in Czechoslovakia and the entire eastern block at the top of eight thousand Nanga Parbat (8125m)

  Ivan Fiala at the first meeting with his family after

Ivan Fiala at the first meeting with his family after five months abroad He spent the first time with Psotko during the death of Kounick, who failed to success. On the other hand, in 1976, the southern peak of Makalu (8010 m) was reached. He co-organized two expeditions to Mount Everest in the 1980s.

His first wife was Renáta Fitošová. They had two daughters of Renát and Zuzana together.

You could see Ivana Fialu at the Markíza television screen for the last time in the series of Ján Tribulu, where Zuzana Fialová played at Gerlach. <! [CDATA[]]>

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