Jan Čarnogurský: Who's afraid of Slovak branches?


Bratislava, July 26, 2018 (HSP / Photo: TASR-Martin Baumann)

The media broke the hysteria against the Slovak Branco. We do not need it yet! Their emergence was almost legal. The Slovak army is also unable to defend Bratislava. Its conditions are collapsing and NATO generals and politicians attribute it to the role of participation in foreign missions and not to the defense of their own country

. Image of Jan Čarnogurský

the Minister of Defense Gajdoš The problem is that the Slovak army is playing the army.

We must increase our defense budget just to buy expensive American weapons, the last plane. But in Syria, Russian planes have proved better than Americans and they are also cheaper. Let's be happy to have young men who exercise their own landscapes in their free time. No Weapon

The second reason is the reverse ideology that has dominated this country. Patriotism has almost become a gesture. Slovak guards are actively engaged in patriotism. They practice the defense of Slovakia if necessary and at the same time help where organized male power is required. They do not help LGBT walking. Slunečnice media criticizes them and states that they would accept their ban. If this is the case, invite them to practice in Zamaguria and camouflage it by picking up mushrooms.

I did not read that our media would ask the police to fight for young marijuana clubs. Have you read in our newspapers the criticism of Pussy Riot's performance in the Moscow Temple and his desecration? They celebrated at the Pohoda festival. When I proposed a performance of a good Russian rock band of his choice a few years ago, he refused

. Slovak guards do well to prepare for the defense of their homeland. It is a commendable activity in itself. We do not even know when there will be situations where they will be the only ones to defend defenseless citizens and order in this country.

About a month ago, French President Emmanuel Macron said that in France the 1,500,000 no go area. They are also afraid to join the French police. We are not there yet, but if they were, I believe that the commander of the Slovak branches, Svrchek, would order his men to enter. The police would be afraid because she would not believe that the minister against the media, who is currently breaking with the Slovak branch, will defend it. This has occurred several times

The Slovak branch complains of close ties with Russia. Well, they are not close to the norm. But I do not know what our Sunbirds are so upset about by Russia and Russia. Putin has stabilized the space of Ukraine in the Pacific Ocean. It supplies Europe with oil and gas and the world with cereals. In the Middle East, he defeated terrorists and prevented them from cutting off their throats and deporting hundreds of thousands of people, especially Christians, to Europe. Last but not least. There are signs that after the United States, Russia will assume the role of "last" protector of Israel. It will be a protection other than American, but Russia will not abandon Israel.

The injury is their alliance with the Night Wolves in Slovakia. They are big boys who love the bike. Good soldier Svejk said that everyone was stupid in their own way. The night wolves of Dolná Krupej are mostly Slovaks. How did Russian bikers get bikers abroad for their name and lifestyle? German, American, French and others not. By the way, Russian bikers at least a half turn on American Harley Davidson Motors. What's wrong with the fact that bikers take the wreckage off the graves of their compatriots, fallen in the war on the right? Leave the rest of the Slovaks, Poles, Czechs and SME journalists – JournalN -. They also set up their biker club, give it a nice attraction and compete with the Night Wolves

. The exchange of states at the head of the world accompanies unprecedented phenomena. They can include Slovak Gate or Night Wolves, but that's the best of times. In bookstores, it's just a book by American historian Graham Allison, China's destiny in the United States to lead the world. The lesson of the Greek historian Thukidide is that the exchange on the front usually takes the form of a war.

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