Jazz workshops for everyone – even the Nicholas Jazz Festival


3 hours ago | redakcia

The Nicholas jazz festival supports Slovak music. Not only the professional scene and the established artists, but also the young and hopeful artists. In addition, it offers the opportunity to participate in completely free music workshops.

The Nicholas Jazz Festival (MJF) creates in the Liptov space not only for the sounds of the jazz scene, but also for less experienced musicians. If you are dedicated to music and want to promote your ability to perform, workshops with recognized musicians are the perfect choice for you. Dávid Hodek Juraj Kalasz and Gabo Jonas . Each of them has a number of interesting topics ready to interact with workshop participants, their experiences, their interests and their problems. And it's not crucial if the music is long overdue, or just starting to play – anyone who is interested in music is welcome.

Jazz workshop for drums and woodpack

The first MJF workshop will take place on Friday 27. July from 16.00 at the private art school of Tranovsky 4 under the direction of talented drummer David Hodek. In particular, the drumming will be devoted to the playing of instruments, rhythm and various exercises of interpretation

The participants in the workshop can also rejoice musical instruments acoustic-rhythmic wooden with the unique sound that is accessible to them. WoodPacky.  Dávid Hodek "title =" Dávid Hodek "/> </span> </p>
<p>  <span class= Workshop for Double Bass and Double Bass ]

The Second Workshop will be held on Saturday on July 28 from 14:00 under the direction of bassist Juraj Kalász accompanied by keyboardist Gaba Jonas, who will focus mainly on bass, bass and the role of bass The theoretical foundations will not leave aside the Basics of phrasing, rhythm, different concepts of solo playing and accompaniment styles.

Prepared will be demonstrative demonstrations and simple tasks for participants who engage in the creative process interactively there will certainly be discussions with music professionals, who will be interested in the production and recording process, among which are all bassists, bassists and everyone

. e to the workshops is free, but the capacity is limited, so if you want to get a place, we recommend to register for a workshop via the online form

from 27 to 29 July in Liptovsky Mikulas. All necessary information can be found on the official websites www.mjf.sk and www.facebook.com/mikulasjazzfest. Predpredaj.sk or the House of Culture in Liptovský Mikuláš will be available only on Thursday 26 July. (19659004) Tickets:  ] Predpredaj.sk

 Mikulášský Jazz Festival 2018


Come to Liptov and enjoy the Mikulášsky Jazz Festival!

The publishers of the Mikulášský Jazz Festival have informed the Mikulášsky Jazz Festival of the sounds of Slovak jazz and world jazz Mendel

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