Juncker's investment plan is overwhelming. What are his achievements? – euractiv.sk


According to Commission estimates, the European Fund for Strategic Investments is expected to contribute 1.3% of the Union's GDP by 2020 and create or maintain close to one million and half of jobs.

As reported Wednesday, July 18 The European Commission, the European Investment Fund (EFSI), mobilized additional investments of 335 billion euros in EU countries from July 2015.

The Juncker investment plan, created in 2014, has a significant impact on the economy of the Union. has brought a revolutionary change in the way funding for innovation is funded in Europe

The EFSI has already supported a number of small and medium enterprises in Slovakia.

The EU's Execution Report indicates that the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have honored their commitment to mobilize an additional € 315 billion in investments EFSI

With the support of the EU budget guarantee and the EIB's own resources, 898 operations were approved for which investments of 335 billion euros were approved. euros should be launched in the 28 Member States of the Union. It is a sum greater than the target of 2015.

The EFSI was established in 2015 to help fill the investment gap resulting from the crisis financial and economic.

According to the Commission's assumption of better access to finance will benefit 700,000 small and medium-sized enterprises. Commission calculations show that the Juncker plan has increased the EU GDP by 0.6%, with an increase of 1.3% by 2020. At the same time, it helped to create or maintain 750,000 jobs, and this figure over the next two years almost 19659010] We achieved the goal #EFSI and we delivered more than 315 billion euros promised there 3 years ago! Congratulations to all who are part of this great project! ????? https://t.co/jskKtg40x1

– Vazil Hudak (@VazilHudak) July 18, 2018

"We are financing projects that could not be financed without SIEF. investment come from the private sector, "Juncker said in a news report. "From funding requalification courses for refugees in Finland to agriculture in Bulgaria via renewable energy, we will continue to use the EU budget to stimulate growth," said the president of the EU. the Commission, Werner Hoyer. he stated that he had managed to prove what many considered impossible three years ago. "Stimulating additional investments of 315 billion euros, mostly coming from the private sector, has never been a simple task." We proved that this could be achieved through co-operation between the EIB and the European Commission ", said Mr Hoyer

According to him, the last three years have changed the way in which Europe finances its priorities, and the Commission recalled that even with this plan, 15 million more households could be connected to broadband, more than 500,000 social and affordable housing built or renovated, 30 million Europeans use improved health services, 95 million passengers use better rail and urban infrastructure per year and about 7 million , 4 million households are supplied with renewable energy

Bypass of Bratislava – EFSI flagship

In Slovakia, EFSI implemented 10 transactions, and funded projects worth 501 million euros, which together would mobilize investments worth more than one and a half billion euros. With regard to the amount of investment in relation to GDP, Slovakia ranks seventeen in the EU.

According to Vice President of the European Investment Bank, Vazila Hudáka, EFSI funding has helped to improve the quality of life of Slovak citizens, to strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises and to promote innovation

Millions of euros, mobilizing additional investments of about 1.2 billion euros. In particular, I would like to point out that the EIB is financing a construction and operation project for the Bratislava Bypass – D4R7 ", said Mr Hudak

According to the EIB, the EFSI has directly financed six However, several countries participate in five of them, the only purely Slovak project being the circumvention of Bratislava.

Thanks to Juncker's investment plan guarantees, some commercial banks may also offer advantageous loans to Slovak entrepreneurs.One of them is the Czechoslovak Commercial Bank, which has granted loans for the development of a small business of 28 million euros. 39, last year

"Our data show that the largest number of loans has been granted to enterprises in the unemployed regions. In Slovakia, we have supported more than 1,600 jobs, mainly in services, "said the bank in a statement for EURACTIV.sk last year

After 2020 in a new form

The pilot version of investment plan Juncker launched the European Commission in June 2015, for a period of three years, ie until 2018. Last December, however, the Member States and the European Parliament agreed on the need for a joint venture. extend the program by 2020. The EFSI 2.0 has increased its investment target to 500 billion by 2020, focuses more on the more balanced sectoral and geographic distribution of projects supported

The European Commission proposed in May that the Juncker investment plan be continued after 2020 as part of the new, larger InvestEU program and it should also mobilize 650 billion euros of the 38 million guarantee. d & # 39; eur EU over the next seven years, mainly in the four priority areas: science and research, small and medium-sized enterprises, sustainable social inclusion infrastructure

. merged many existing EU financial instruments, which will once again have a set of rules. "This is how we can do more for less," says the press release of the European Commission. [ad_2]
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