Juncker's plan exceeded the initial investment target, mobilizing hundreds of billions of euros


BRATISLAVA, July 18 (WebNoviny.sk) – The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have honored their commitment to mobilize $ 315 billion (19659002) Strategic Investments

With the support of the European Union budget guarantee and the EIB Group's own resources, 898 operations were approved in the Commission's opinion. It is planned to launch an investment of 335 billion dollars. euro in the 28 EU Member States

The amount is about 20 billion. higher than the initial target of 315 billion euros. euros. This was established in 2015 when the European Investment Fund (EFSI) was created to help fill the investment gap resulting from the financial and economic crisis

It is believed that a better access to finance will benefit 700 tis. small and medium enterprises. Given the success of the EFSI, the European Council and the European Parliament agreed last year to extend its duration and increase its capacity to 500 billion. EUR by the end of 2020.

Renewable Energy

The European Fund for Strategic Investment is expected to contribute to the creation of 1.4 million jobs by 2020 and over increase the GDP of the EU by 1.3%. "We finance SME projects that could not be financed without SIEF and without creating new debt, two-thirds of the investment came from the private sector.


Financing Refugee Training in (19659007) An Investment Plan for Europe (the Juncker Plan) was introduced by the Commission in November 2014 to reverse the downward trend in investment in the Republic of Finland thanks to the production of renewable energy in Greece after agriculture in Bulgaria " and lead Europe to revitalize the economy. On 12 December 2017, the European Parliament and the Member States agreed on a regulation to strengthen the EFSI and extend its investment target to 500 billion euros. euro by the end of 2020.

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