Jupiter has already had 79 known months – Space – Science and Technology



There are 79 natural satellites around Jupiter.


Around the Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is at least 79 months old. Their number as a result of the latest scientific discoveries increased by 12.

Ten new months have discovered the team of astronomers who searched for objects
on the edge of the solar system.

The International Astronomical Union officially confirmed the discovery of two
others that took place before. In the vicinity of Jupiter, so
the information available is 79 natural satellites, which is the most
planets of the solar system. Second, Saturn is up to date
the number of 61 months discovered

In the case of the last ten months of Jupiter, there are small objects,
the largest is only three kilometers in diameter. Discover the
operated by binoculars in Chile, Hawaii and Arizona.

Since the new months, only one
Jupiter after a very unusual orbit. Scientists called him Valetudo after
the Roman goddess of health and hygiene. This "badge" of a diameter less than
one kilometer is in the opposite direction to the other
11 new months and crosses their orbits. There is a threat
high risk of collisions that would cause these bodies
they could fall into the dust, Space.com wrote.

Twelve new moons of Jupiter discovered by astronomers under the direction
Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institute for the Institute of Science
based in Washington. Nine of them are moving around the so-called retrograde

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