Kamizkov did not spend less than last year in the High Tatras


. At that time it was 1042, this year it is less than a thousand.

"We were curious about the census results because last winter gave good work to the chamois. The greatest loss of catfish was mainly in the southern part of the High Tatras where our foresters recorded the highest mortality. Compared to the last years, a smaller number of newborns have been observed, but it is premature to say that they are actually fewer or not all of the chamois found on the ground. We will be able to tell you the fall count when puppies grow and move more actively. That is why one of the censuses can not be done in a hurry, "commented Joan de Hybler

The weather was the reason for the spring summation of the potato population of this year had to be canceled twice.

Forests with officials of TANAP, colleagues of the Polish Park Tatrzańskiego Narodowego, members of the Slovak Union of Nature Conservation and Landscape, the Organization of High Tatra Base and D & # 39; 39, other volunteers finally arrived on the ground for the first time

"While we had 691 chamois on the Slovak side of Tatier, of which 54 were puppies, in the Polish part of the national park, we recorded 298 individuals in the census record.From this number, there were 40-year-old chamois, "said Hybler.

Compared to the weekend, there is a drop of 53, according to him, from the number of deaths that it has recorded during the winter months. "But I would not have seen it dramatically so far. It would be bad if it had been repeated for many years. With the current abundance and especially the annual growth of young, more than 100 chamois can be considered as a natural decline per year, "says Zoológ

The counting of catfish is organized by ŠL TANAP twice a year, at spring and autumn.

Despite adverse weather and snow conditions, last year, on the Slovak side of Tatier, 973 chamois, last year, stood out for 76 cubs, of which there were 76 cubs [19659003] In total, on both sides, Tatier recorded 1263 chickens in the census, of which 94 were offspring. For the moment, the maximum population of buff was in the fall of 2014 when 1389 people reported it. (TASR)

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