Kashimir is not an obstacle for the NBS. The voice of the coalition is certain


BRATISLAVA – Only formality? Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Peter Kažimir (Smer-SD) officially confirmed what he had been saying for almost a year. After the governor of the National Bank of Slovakia, Jozef Makúch, officially asked to be removed from office on 1 March 2018, Kažimir announced that he would run for office. But he needs the blessing of the government and parliament. President Andrej Kiska will have the last word. Until now, it seems that the interim financier has come out of his dream today.

In accordance with the law, the governor of the NBS "Are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Slovak Republic on the proposal of the Government approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic." The parties of the CIS and Most-Hid coalition have declared on behalf of Glob.sk that Kažimir, who needs the vote of 76 deputies in parliament, has their support. " Of course. " Andrej Danko (SNS), President of the National Council, reacted to the question of whether the acting Finance Minister at the helm of the SNB was acceptable to them. Similarly, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and head of the most hidden party, Béla Bugár, responded. "Yes, we will support it" he said for Glob.sk. The Smer-SD party, of which Kažimir is still vice-president, has not officially expressed its ambitions.

Most opponents have a problem with him

The most powerful opposition party, the SaS, says that "The premature departure of Mr. Jozef Makúch from the post of Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia solely for the President of the Minister of Finance, active politician and Vice President of Smer-SD, Peter Kažimír, has no similarity in Slovakia. "

"If Peter Kažimír wants to escape the corrupt regime of Petr Pellegrini and Marek Maďarič, he must at least do so with a little humility towards the citizens and with self-reflection." Instead, he reports in a comprehensive, arrogant manner, as if the function of governor of the central bank was a commodity that could be purchased. " said MP Jozef Rajtár (SaS). His party colleague, Eugen Jurzyca, says he doubts the independence of the central bank. From President Andrew Kisk, the party is waiting to accept such a recruitment proposal.

The Khazimir has not yet intended to support the ORGAN movement. According to them, the National Bank of Slovakia is one of the institutions headed by an independent expert. "Mr. Kažimir as Smer-SD vice-chairman and long-time assistant Robert Fico obviously do not fulfill this requirement, and his departure as governor of the NBS gives the impression of leaving a diving ship. " said Eduard Heger.

On the contrary, the family movement is once again surprising and has no problem with Kažimir. President Boris Kollar can imagine it instead of the governor. "We will have a club, but we do not exclude it" answered the question of knowing he would support him with his votes.

Kiska should not have any problems with Kažimir. PHOTO TASR – Michal Svítok

Kiska is in agreement

The last word for the election of the new governor of the SNB will be the head of state. "First of all, the candidate must approve the parliament and then the president will deal with him" Kiskov sent a communications officer, Roman Krpelan. However, that would not be a problem for President Kažimir. According to Glob.sk, there is a discreet agreement between the two politicians that Kiska Kažimir will name.

End in politics after 12 years

Kashimir also takes the governorship of the SNB as an opportunity to get out of politics. For the most part, Financmajster did not blame himself for not having fun with politics. He avoided things regularly. "I have always considered the finance minister's office as an expert position that can not be separated from each other, but that remains necessary." I tried to balance these As the governor of the SNB, I am tempted to stay only in the world of numbers " he said.

At the Treasury, he lived and lived crucial moments with his own words. "The introduction of the euro, the biggest financial and economic crisis of history, the critical moments of the euro area, the EU presidency by the EU, the candidacy at the head of the Eurogroup and, in recent years, finally the boom and the favorable situation " He recapitulated.

Up to now, four governors – Vladimir Masar, Marián Jusko, Ivan Šramko and Jozef Makúch – have joined the NBS. However, in the case of his appointment, Kažimir would be the first to access this chair directly from politics.

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