Kate Upton, the actress and model, is pregnant, sharing news with Instagram


BRATISLAVA, July 14 (WebNoviny.sk) – American model and casual actress Kate Upton and her husband, bejzbalist Justin Verlander, are expecting a baby.

Twenty-six year old Joseph has announced in Michigan via Instagram. There, on Saturday, she published a photo of how she posed in a red leg suit on her pregnant belly, and wrote to her " Pregnant in Miami "

Upton and Verlander Form a Couple since 2014, they have engaged the precursor.

Katherine Elizabeth Upton *

* was particularly famous for decorating the envelope of the Sports Illustrated special issue in 2012 and 2013 in two consecutive races. It is this magazine that declared her Newbie of the year in 2011, and a year later she was giving him the title page of an exclusive issue, helping her to start a successful career without going through the most beautiful women

And has been shown on envelopes from other prestigious magazines, such as the Vanity Fair entitled to its 100th anniversary. As the actress has featured in the films Master Plan (2011), Three Fools (2012) or One For All (2014)

The information comes from People.com and SITA archives

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