Kažimir may have the intention of meeting the president. Gašparovič showed that it was possible


President Ivan Gašparovič has already seized a candidate. The question is, what will Andrej Kiska do? Source: TASR – Michal Svítok

BRATISLAVA – Isté is nothing. Just one day after Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Kažimir (Smer-SD) announced his interest in the governorship of the Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia (SNB), Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer -SD) had announced that Mr. Kažimir would propose this lucrative position. The drawing remains empty after Jozef Makúch, who announced his early departure on March 1, 2019. However, despite the approval of the government or Parliament, Kažimir does not have to leave his plans. After all, the evidence is not so old.

According to the law of the governor and vice-governors of the SNB "Are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Slovak Republic on the proposal of the Government approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic." The coalition partners of the Smer-SD party said Tuesday that Kažimir had their support. For Glob.sk, this has been confirmed by SNS President Andrej Danko and Most-Híd President Béla Bugár. The former finance minister on the road to this prosperous place could only be President Andrej Kiska. The former head of state has already reversed the path to occupy a senior position within the NBS within a candidate elected to Parliament.

Case "Tvaroška"

In 2006, Elena Kohútiková, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia, was responsible for the management of monetary policy or open market operations. Mikuláš Dzurinda's government, which extended the time, proposed a vacancy to the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Finance and one of the closest aides to Ivan Mikloš's section chief, Vladimír Tvaroška.

That's why things first developed in a promising way. The Parliament's proposal had been approved by the government and it seemed that Tvaroska would soon be transferred from the Ministry of Finance to the National Bank of Slovakia. However, everything changed the position of President Ivan Gašparovič. After the presidential office had received the nomination proposal for Tvarosk, the then head of state began to check whether the candidate fulfilled the legal requirements. For Gašparovič, Tvaroska did not have five years of professional experience in the monetary or financial field. He did not nominate the position of the candidate nominated by the government and the candidate's parliament. The post of vice governor has been occupied for more than one year by Viliam Ostrožník.

Vladimír Tvaroška was one of the closest associates of the Minister of Finance, Ivan Mikloš.

The Constitutional Court has also not helped

In 2006, Mikuláš Dzurinda's government submitted a proposal that the Constitutional Court interpret the Constitution. In 2009, he decided that Gašparovič did not break his decision with the Constitution. "He concludes that these assumptions do not match the proposed candidate, the proposal of the Government of the Slovak Republic fails", He argued.

Tvaroska himself did not want to express himself with time. For Glob.sk he said "It was a long time ago," She is currently in the private sphere.

Kiska is silent

The presidential office does not specify, however, whether Kashimir is competent enough to hold the position of governor of the NBS. "First of all, the candidate must approve the parliament and then the president will deal with him" he said on Tuesday adviser to President Roman Krpelan. According to Glob.sk, however, Kashimir would not have any problems. The two politicians agreed to appoint Kiska to the current finacmajstra.

Kiska accuses SNB governor candidate of approving parliament. PHOTO TASR – Michal Svítok

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