Kids' Corner: Incredible LEGO, Adventure Time, Sonic Mania | technology


Review | The summer season also deserves a childhood title, even if the young players may not be at home yet. Donations later for testimonials, accompanying titles to known substances, or refreshing in the form of the return of the old heroes

jTrojica titles reviewed belong to other genres, but they have known works of art. LEGO The genious family comes before the second part planned in the cinemas and the creators chose the original concept of the parody LEGO. Adventure Time is the classic good – the Cartoon Network series has become popular in a popular genre: it's a jogger, you travel to the open world and the elements work together.

A Sonic Mania Plus is not just a toy for the little ones, because it's almost a dentition, but it's certainly a strong title if you want to start with a blue hedgehog iconic.

LEGO The Incredibles (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)

The LEGO game has conquered several worlds of heroes or favorite characters. Although the family of incredible movies only has two films, it does not have a solid background, but the authors can do a lot.

The game system is accessible to the whole family, including the youngest, who quickly understand what is expected of them: tie cubes of the same color, layout small parts LEGO, put them in more sophisticated styles.

Each character wants his abilities, so you need to play them during the game. And it's great for playing doubles because the duo can do a lot more – and in parallel to complete the most difficult puzzles where one stands and the other takes place …

The hero palette can not be as robust as the LEGO Marvel superheroes, not Mr. Incredible is supersilater and Violet is invisible, Elasti-Girl is a great revival because he can change his body in different forms. Dash starts at a fascinating speed and the novelty of Jack-Jack turns into a monster or can be teleported, which is a brand new feature useful at a different level.

The authors themselves understood that a family would have been small, and what are called the other heroes of the Pixar movie: Woody of Toy Story, Flik of The Story Chrobák, Merid de Brave / Stará and Lightning McQueen from Aut. It's a solid offer that will appeal to fans of different Pixar movies at once.

LEGO Incredibles uses the nature of the open worlds of two places: Municiberg and New Urbem are close to each other, each a little different and with its set of tasks and challenges. Family tones are similar to LEGO Marvel superheroes in that characters have supernormal abilities and fight criminals.

This is the element of the crime wave, where you fight in different parts of superstars, mainly trying to accomplish smaller tasks first, to face the biggest boss in the end. There are also two newcomers who were not in the movies. The new LEGO game will play an important role even if it does not have a lot of characters.

Adventure Time: Enchiridion Pirates (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)

Adventure Time is a well-known series of Cartoon Networks that has been airing for over 8 years and several well-connected video games have been published. No Enchiridion Pirates is trying to go a step further in the subject and is not content to launch a regular series or a mini-series.

The Ooo landscape is flooded, Finn and Jake are trying to cross the sea and are your guides that cross famous parts and unknown distances. In addition, the new game combines several genres: you will appreciate the parts being played, as well as the freedom of movement or traction. Even the smallest player offers the gameplay more versatile than the predecessors.

A great emphasis is put on cruising and the new world offers an open world where you sail on the boat, trying to reach the goal marked by a arrow. The vast area is filled with active places, enemies or other inhabitants. After doing a lot of parting, when you walk around, overcome obstacles, sniff barking and search for treasure. Sometimes, the status queries and the missions are fulfilled.

The game maintains a solid diversity and strives to change the environment, giving you colorful tasks. Exactly the amount of the reward is not too high, and you will only pay for a small amount. Your jokes will keep you in focus for at least 10 hours.

But the pirates bring a big element – the fights are transferred tactically. Instead of jumping to the head or other light solutions, you will experience a cascade of Pokémon style where you are looking for a variety of ways to confront your opponents.

You fight with several aids, but you have some features, trying to find weaknesses of enemies. You work with statuses, elements, special attacks. The classic pull-up function is also functional in this kid's game – it's just a bit of a hassle and you'll only be involved with a few bosses. Whatever the case may be, feel that creators have adapted current trends to children's play – and that's what matters.

Sonic Mania Plus (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)

Finally, there is an improved version of the upcoming Sonic Mania game that honors the old 2D times and goes so far as even deliberately archaic graphics. Initially, it seems weird when you start the game on Xbox One or Switch, and you get rough graphics with lower resolution.

On the back, you can see the colorful environment, the interesting characters and many collectible rings, but it looks like you played the game of the 90s. The Plus version brings new levels , new characters and Encore mode.

This is a plus. A simple control, where a lever and a few buttons will cover everything you need, will allow you to snap your fingers instantly and you can focus on relatively demanding levels. The first pieces will make you a jump and it is possible that some players bounce at the second or third level.

Twelve different zones and environments sneak into you in an incredible amount of obstacles – sometimes given by level features (barbed areas, gaps), sometimes the number of enemies. Adding new characters, new levels, sometimes new rules.

Sonic Mania Plus also focuses on a little story where Sonic and his friends emerge in the classic fight against Dr. Eggman, but more interesting are the artifacts that they collect along the way and the environments where they visit .

Different characters are closely related to the level design – the features are used for specific abilities such as Sonic, climbing and flying used for alternate paths (Knuckles, Tails) or Mighty's powerful ground strike. In addition, this game is a tribute to fans in a different direction: it takes familiar levels of the first games and reminds them of the players, closing the imaginary circle of the series and joining the old and the new.

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