Kim Dotcom did not appeal against extradition in the United States


The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ranked Dotcom's activities as the largest case of copyright infringement in the United States.

Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom lost another round of lawsuits, trying to prevent his threatening extradition of New Zealand to the United States. The New Zealand Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday.

An entrepreneur, whose original name is Kim Schmitz, was born in Germany and has been living in New Zealand for several years. Besides German, he also has Finnish nationality.

In the United States, they want to judge it in connection with the Megaupload file sharing platform already extinguished. He faces allegations of extortion, copyright infringement, money laundering and Internet fraud up to 20 years in prison.

Stamilion Damage

The New Zealand Court of Appeals upheld two previous court rulings on Thursday to allow Kim Dotcom to be prosecuted in the United States. The same goes for his three colleagues, the former managers of Megaupload, Bram Van der Kolk, Matthias Ortmann and Finn Batato.

The Court of Appeal finds that the United States' request for extradition is supported by sufficiently convincing evidence. Kim (44), however, still does not give up and still plans to appeal to the New Zealand Supreme Court against imminent extradition.

Dotcom, according to US authorities, caused damage to the $ 500 million entertainment industry by downloading files on the Megaupload platform, which had more than 150 million registered users . (1969009)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function .callMethod?
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