Kiska in Pohode has nominated four presidential candidates whom he considers good – Journal N


Kiska in Pohode nominated four presidential candidates whom he considers to be good

Andrej Kiska in the presidential race supported Robert Mistrik, Zuzana Caputova, František Mikloška and potential candidate for KDH Marián Čaučík.

Andrej Kiska na Pohode. Photo N – Tomáš Benedikovič

Current President Andrej Kiska at the Pohoda festivities has nominated four presidential candidates whom he considers good

"There are four names in which we might not be humiliated and represent our country: Robo Mistrik, Zuzka Čaputová, Fero Mikloško and we'll see if Marian Caučík will be held, "said Pohoda's president. Kiska believes that these candidates will end and support a "for which we are all."

"If this happens, if I agree, I believe we will have an extraordinary president this year" , he said. and reiterated that he intended to stay in politics.

"I was the last time on the Pohoda as president.But I will remain active in politics.We must change the political map of Slovakia, we must return to Slovakia what it We will do it and I believe we will do it, "he said.

President: as he represents his political future, did not say. "It is necessary to take power, it takes politics to have decent, honest and capable people," he said. "Because we are a parliamentary democracy, we must take power, that is our role, we must do it."

The President did not say he was there. intention to create one's own party or political entity to unite certain existing parties. In particular, Miroslav Beblavý and Progressive Slovakia talk about the total

"The spectrum of political parties, that is, gives space to people who want to vote to find their segment.It is important that the votes are not completed, "he said.

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