Kiska met Hedviga Malinová Žáková


The president met Hedviga Malinová Žáková 12 years after an incident that divided the society into two camps.

President Andrej Kiska met Hedviga Malinová Žáková

"Unfortunately, I must say that this case is a sad demonstration of the failure of the state in its fundamental role of ensuring justice," Kiska said.

According to him, after 12 years of investigation, it is difficult to talk about justice. Malinová Žáková has had years of political aggression and humiliation on the part of the leaders of the Ministry of the Interior and the police.

"I do not want to make the judge, the defense or the plaintiff in this case.This is not the role of the president.The case has now been filed before the Hungarian prosecutor's office", has -he adds.

He accused the investigation of suspicion of criminal offenses not to be the subject of political disagreements and their resolution by asking if people are more likely to believe the student or the minister.

The problem is that politicians are disoriented by the police. It can also give the impression that the authorities are working on their order.

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