Kiska na Pohode: He expressed his admiration for the parents of Ján and Martina, named 4 candidates for whom he would not hesitate


The current President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, begins a discussion at the Pohoda Festival in Trenčín on Saturday at 14:00

The monument of Ján and Martina must move us forward

In his moving speech he felt in the shoes of John's parents († 27) in Martinique († 27), kteří zatím nevědí, kdo zabil jejich děti. "Probably not one of us who has died a child can not imagine what tragedy the parents are going through.Possibly none of us can imagine that his child was brutally murdered.But we know all that we can not let down.That memories of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnířová can not sleep and move us forward, " proclaimed Kiska.

He also expressed his admiration to the parents that despite the tremendous pain they could discuss the misfortune that they had experienced. "I admire the parents of John and Martina that I can face thousands of people despite great suffering and talk about the misfortunes that they have experienced.This is something that can not to be described in words, " said the head of state on his Facebook

The President of the Czech Republic, Andrej Kiska, kisses the mother of Martina Zlatica Kušnírová, murdered.

  Andrej Kiska discussed

Source: FB / Andrej Kiska / Tomas Benedikovich

Candidates for the position of chief of state under which the president does not resist [19659903] In the discussion went to the topic of the presidential election that awaits us in the spring of 2019. Kiska has revealed that he can submit four candidates who could lead our country. "There are four names in which we may not have been humiliated and who could well represent our country: Robo Mistrik, Zuzka Čaputová, Fero Mikloško and we'll see if Marian Caucik will be held, " quoted President Denník N.

The President also believes that these four candidates will agree and support the one for whom we all build. "If this happens, if I agree, I believe this year we will have an extraordinary president", added that although it was in Pohoda for the last time as President, he will remain active in politics. But he did not underestimate how he sees his political future "We must change the political map of Slovakia, we must return to Slovakia what it deserves." We go there and I believe that we will do it, "[19659905] declared

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