Kiska on Pohoda bravely spoke of his future: we must seize power, burst the Slovaks


Kiska, in a moderated discussion by Štefan Hríb of .týždňa, once again recalled that the murder of journalist Jana Kuciak and her fiancée Martina Kušnírová had a serious influence on her decision. He will do in the future. "We must change the political map of Slovakia, we must return to Slovakia what it deserves, we go there and I believe we will." The President said

There is an atmosphere in which those who have won the election do what they want. Kiska also claims that it seems that political power has fought people on the streets. He also recalls the mafia's connection with the office of the government of the Slovak Republic, against which the government did nothing, even if it was aware of it

The power to seize power [19659006] The president says that we should not stay up. "It takes power, it takes politics to get people honest, capable and honest" Kiska said vigorously. "As we are parliamentary democracy, we must take power, it is our role, we must do it."

 Andrej Kiska

Source: SITA / Martin Medňanský

Kiska also felt in the shoes of the parents of both victims. "Probably not one of us who has died a child can not imagine what tragedy the parents are going through – probably none of us can imagine that his child was brutally murdered." But we know all that we can not let down.That the memorial of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnířová will not sleep and we will advance, " said by the president

In the discussion, he also expressed his point of view on the presidential elections to be held next year. Kiska first introduced specific names. "There are four names for which we may not have humiliated and who might well represent our country: Robo Mistrik, Zuzka Čaputová, Fero Mikloško and we'll see if Marián Čaučík will be held," he said

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