Kiska: The case Hedvigy Malinova was a demonstration of the failure of the state to obtain justice.


"After 12 years of investigation, it is difficult to talk about justice, especially after Mrs Hedvig Malinová Žáková was the target of political aggression and humiliation by officials of the Ministry of Justice. The interior and police of the time.This is not the role of the president, but the case has now been filed in front of the Hungarian prosecutor's office.Investigate on suspicion of crimes must not be the subject of political disputes and resolve them by asking whether people trust the student or minister more " the president said.

According to Martin Lipták, press office of the office of the President of the Slovak Republic, according to the head of state, we need a police that prevents politicians from committing fraudulent acts and do not suspect that the forces of order are working on their order. "Thus, the case of Hedvigo Malinova has never been repeated" Kiska concludes.

The Hedviga case Malinova Žáková was closed by the Hungarian prosecutor after twelve years, reported the daily SME. According to the daily, the Györ district prosecutor's office put an end to the prosecution of a former student whom the police sued for his tortuous testimony on 24 October. Prosecutions against Malinova were initiated by the prosecutor's office in Slovakia in April 2014. As Malinová had already settled in Hungary, she was subsequently transferred to criminal proceedings.

The Hedwig Malinova Žáková case began in the summer of 2006. According to her testimony, she was attacked by two invaders on the way to school and the Hungarians wrote it on the Danube. The police classified the case with the fact that it did not happen as the wounded described. She lodged a complaint with the authorities of the Slovak State of the European Court of Human Rights. The case has inspired much the political scene. The former government of Iveta Radičová has justified Hedvige Malinová Žáková and the complaint has ended with a reconciliation agreement.

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