Kung-fu in the Lige Football League


For most teams, the new season has not even begun. Some are already fighting in the first qualifying rounds of the Champions League.

And in the first round of the millionaire competition, the public saw one of the most brutal mistakes in the history of football. Bryan Melisse of the Dudelange team made

Run a rematch in the 93rd minute between the Hungarian Videoton and the Luxembourg Dudelange. The Hungarians after a 1-1 draw in the first match led to a 2-1 home match and the guests from Luxembourg tried to settle, which would also ensure the procedure.

After a long shot by the goalkeeper at home, the ball fell on Melissa, who then turned her kick into a brutal kung fu and literally shot Mate Patkaia. The author of Dudelange's only goal since the first match showed one of the biggest mistakes in the history of football when he kicked his opponents to the ground.

The main referee of the match was expecting nothing and immediately the defender of the Luxembourg team showed a red card. The incident sparked memories of Dutchman Nigel de Jong in the 2010 World Cup finals, which also blocked Xabi Alons. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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