Kupé Tatry: Return of the Slovak jewel?


Most of the breathtaking revivals of old cars or prototypes are heard behind the border. This time, however, the rule confirms the exception.

  Functional prototype Limousine Tatra 603X (1967)
14 photos in the gallery

Functional prototype of the prototype Tatra 603X (limousine) (1967) 1967) Source: Slovenské centrum dizajnu

From the beginning from 2018, Tomáš Malý is working on the realization of a 3D digital model of the Tatra 603X Coupé based on historical drawings and technical drawings. This is a type that has never reached the level of a functional prototype and even in the four-door version

The Tatra 603X Coupe is wholly from Bratislava. Compared to the classic 603 version, it offered not only a refined design or interior, but also more advanced axles or brakes and a more modern aggregate. At the end of 1966 and 1967, however, all finalization work of this type was stopped under unexplained circumstances

  Drawing Tatry 603X Coupé, Drawing by Fridrich Hudec (1966)
14 images in the photo gallery

Drawing Tatry 603X Coupé, Drawing by Fridrich Hudec (1966) Source: Slovenské centrum dizajnu

Solutions and construction of the Koprivnice-Bratislava coupe was the Slovak Ján Cín. His design work still lives at the Tatra Museum, but it has never been completely finished. He was still stuck in the form of a prototype. Now, after five decades, Mr Cina will be able to realize his car, even though only Tomáš Malý's digitization work was followed by Peter Zelman and Juraj Mitro, who rebuilt the Tatra 603X Coupe on a scale of 1: 4 of the model. plasticine. This model is now ready to be corrected by someone else than the designer himself – Ján Cín.

Rare for 5,000,000 CZK: Tatra T700 for sale

Our neighbors sell a rare Tatra T700, which has undergone a detailed renovation. Now, it looks like a new one and the owner likes it too.

Just in the morning, a model trip into a virtual environment was held at J & T Bank's premises to examine the design, proportions, and overall structure of the vehicle's shape. By the end of this year, a 1: 4 scale representative model and then a 1: 1 scale vehicle prototype should be created. The project also includes a video documentary documenting the progress of the project. (F, f, q, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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