Lacker's resignation is not the absolute reason for Kaliňák


The ex-minister does not understand the reasoning behind the resignation of the head of diplomacy.

The possible departure of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (appointed by Smer-SD) for the rejection of the majority of the coalition in the United Nations Global Compact on Migration is an unnecessarily explored subject that is only the result of journalistic problems. On social networks, Vice President Smeru-SD and Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák said this.

"I do not understand the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Marrakech Convention.There is no absolute reason to resign from Minister Lajcak," said Kaliňák.

The way things are going to happen with the Lajčák could be clearer after the vote on the aforementioned pact, which will take place on Thursday afternoon. Ministers do not like the fact that the IEC insists in particular that no Slovakian national participated in the Moroccan negotiations in December. Nationalists are convinced that we will automatically participate in supporting the pact. According to Lajcak, however, there is no point in deporting diplomats from the negotiating table.

"In Marrakech, two days will be devoted to all aspects of migration and we want to exclude ourselves from this debate," he said. According to his comments, the government presented an analysis that clearly shows that participation or absence means nothing in terms of acceptance or non-acceptance of the pact.

Wrong interpretation

It also prevents the boyfriend when the information about the pact is misinterpreted. "That remains my reason to stay upright when I discover who is the UN's internal expert in the field, who talks about things he has no idea about. That offends my rationality and my integrity as a person, I've defined my red lines and I'm waiting for things to change, "he said.

He still admits his resignation. "There are two things here, my responsibility to the department, the tasks that lie ahead, but I have to be online with myself, I can not do my job if I do not believe in what I'm doing, or if I do not see that I have the opportunity to do what we think is right, "he explained, however, that he did not feel extorted.

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