Lajčák gave his death, surprised his colleagues in the direction


The president of Kiska should go to Marrakech.

BRATISLAVA. For the controversy surrounding the migration pact, Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, who appointed Smer, announced the end of the government's mandate.

He announced his decision on Thursday night, just hours after Parliament passed a resolution rejecting the Global Compact on Migration.

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Before the vote, the Lajčák conditioned its stay on the mandate because the Slovak representative will go to negotiate the Pakistan pact in Marrakech. In the resolution, the direct ban is not.

But after the vote, CIS chief Andrej Danko and Smer Robert Fico said it was obvious he would not send a representative to Marrakech.

Read also: He started with the communists, ending in Smere. The foreigner also acknowledged the opposition's share

Lajčák does not want to visit before replacing Prime Minister Petrom Pellegrinim and President Andrej Kisk. The report of his departure from the Smer government surprised him.

"In the resolution that we approved, there were also things that the department came to, the initial proposal of the SNS had been relaxed," said Marian Kery, MP, who said that he "s right to do it. waited for Lajcak to keep his job.

He has just submitted to Parliament an amendment to the original IEC resolution.

At Lajčákov, he can imagine his party leader, Robert Fico. "He is an experienced politician, he has good credit in high politics since 1992 and abroad," he said.

Should Pellegrini accept Lajcak's resignation?

vote: 848
Open vote:
Starting from: 29.11.2018 20:46

Executive Vice President Juraj Blanar and Lajčák's resignation were suspended and had to be reviewed. The question of whether the rejection of the pact was a departure for the Lajcakis responded that "the interest in landscape security can not be less than the attitude of the individual". He did not say a few days in Lajčákem.

Management in recent months has come to several key people. Recently from Smer, the former Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič. Finance Minister Peter Kažimír announced this week that he was governor of the National Bank of Slovakia.

For Lajcak and the pact, Thursday, only the Most-Hid party stands out after the vote of the coalition. The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Katarína Csefalvayová of Most, said that the departure of Lejak would be a period during which he would question on the foreign policy direction of Slovakia with great loss. He thinks that Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of Smer does not accept his resignation.

President Andrej Kiska has not yet received the resignation of Lajcak. His spokesperson, Roman Krpelan, said that he would look after her only when she arrived.

The dispute is reduced in Marrakech

The dispute over the UN treaty on migration, after a vote of a quarter of a vote on a resolution in which the parliament rejected it, specified whether the Slovak representative should or should not go to Marrakech.

CIS head and parliamentary speaker Andrej Danko was opposed to the "promise of a gentleman" by Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini of Smer. Robert Fico, CEO, also joins him.

Only the coalition that advocates participation in Marrakech is Most-Hid.

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