Lajčák Nelajčák, we are not going to Marrákeš, said Blaha. According to Klusus, his knife was hit on his back – Home – News


Is the participation or absence of Slovakia in Marrakesh the departure of Minister Lajčák? Does the orientation of foreign policy and the CIS control it more and more by rejecting the pact on migration? Should the real speculations that Miroslav Lajcak leave Miroslav Lajcak be replaced by Robert Fico's president? In the televised truth Pravda Pravda Pravda Answers to the questions of Deputy MP Zuzana Martina Ľuboš Blah (Smer) and Martin Klus (SaS).

Blaha and Klus agreed that the UN pact on migration was destined for Slovakia
unacceptable. "Management has always been in the front line against migration",
Blaha pointed out. The content of the document is also rejected by the liberal SaS. Martin Klus
he said he saw several trenches in the document. «Red
For example, aid to migrants can not be considered as aid
illegal, "said Klus.

Blaha pointed out that there was a match across the political spectrum
refuse to document, he sees no reason to send someone to Morocco. «Neprovokujme
public. The public is concerned that if we go, it will mean
approval, even though Slovakia says it's against the pact. Why should we be here
they could not send a letter, which is a very common procedure. "Martin Klus
says that he rejects the inclusion of SaS among populists, xenophobes,

The Smer Party is not afraid to address a respected minister
foreign affairs or even a presidential candidate and is alone
participation for that? Blaha said that they even wanted with Minister Lajčak
different opinions, for example "Enslavement in the United States", would he
sorry if the minister did not stay rationally and left his office.
"Lajčák Nelajčák, we are not going to Marrákeš," said Blaha.

However, the departure of a chief of the post of head of diplomacy would be a trot
did not perceive it positively. "That would mean that he would resume foreign policy
SNS. We already see today what this disoriented geopolitical
he added that he personally understood the Minister's decision when he
"The knife in their back had theirs when they let it bargain for a year.
Blaha refused to speculate if he could replace Lajcak in the office
Chairman of the Board Robert Fico. He thinks though that he "was the best
Minister of Foreign Affairs "The voters of the Directorate, according to him," refuse
rusofobium for Slovakia to hide the West ".

"Mentioning is not rusophobia when you see what is happening in the east
Ukraine, in the sea of ​​Azov, Georgia. Russia is waging a hybrid war today, and that is
a landscape that is dangerous for us, "Klus added with rusofilia
is worse than rusofobia.

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