Lajčák resigns, the resignation of Pellegrini has apparently not been accepted – Home – News



29.11.2018 18:17, updated: 19:18


Miroslav Lajčák

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After a vote in parliament in which MPs rejected the UN Convention on Migration, Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak decided to resign.

The truth was confirmed by Boris Gandel, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry.
Lajčák will meet soon with Prime Minister Petr Pellegrinim and the President
Andrej Kisk, who will be informed of the details and more

"We will publish the details of this step after his meeting with the Prime Minister
SR Petrom Pellegrinim and the president of the RS, Andrej Kisk ", added the spokesman.

President Andrej Kiska will not comment on Miroslav's decision yet
Lajčák to resign. "The president has not yet received the resignation of a member
government. When that happens, she will take care of it, "the presidents said.
Spokesperson Roman Krpelan.

Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, according to the truth of the resignation, but
adopted. Officially, she only commented on the speaker. " President
the government will vote on the receipt of this resignation motion ",
informs PM Patricia Macek.

True TV has mapped the views of politicians on the pact on migration. statements
were created before Lajčák's decision to resign.

The National Council of the Slovak Republic has approved the motion for a resolution
to the global pact
United Nations Fund for Migration, which the Migration Pact refused to support. For common
the resolution of the Slovak National Party (SNS) and the Senate voted 90 lawmakers.
At the same time, the amendment was adopted by MEP Marián Kéry,
which in the resolution adds that the RS is fully sovereign in defining its own
national migration policy. The resolution does not directly prohibit the Slovak path
diplomacy in Marrakech.

The NR SR notes that the pact in the form of the final July 11 proposal is
document that does not match current security and migration
the RS policy. He also underlined the sovereignty of Slovakia on the issue of migration
policy. "The RS is fully sovereign in defining its own national migration
politics, "says the resolution.

He is standing by his words

Lajčák said yesterday that "I have to be in my decisions
in accordance with their own consciousness and the imaginary border
not to exceed ".

"It is important for me to make a decision in line with mine
consciousness. I do not want to speculate, I clearly say that I say what you are
I think. I do not fight against anyone, my words always pay. I passed
the week said how he is and I am consistent in my statements, "
Lajčák said Wednesday.

Pellegrini hailed the resolution

"The Slovak Republic is and will be the sovereign state that will be in charge of
decide who and under what conditions can come on its territory
live " said
on the legend of the Parliament resolution, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini
Parliament's decision sees the opinion of legislators and long-term prospects
consistent attitude of the executive.

"I welcome the decision of the Parliament, the agreement at all levels and the
I perceive it as the expression of a broad consensus in the foreign sphere
politicians, "said the Prime Minister who recalled that the attitude of Slovakia is
the same as that of many countries in Europe and the world.

Who is Miroslav Lajčák

  • Miroslav Lajčák began thirty years ago sure
    Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the former Czechoslovakia. A little after
    The revolution was sent to the Czechoslovak Embassy in Moscow,
    In 1993, the Embassy of Slovakia continued its work.
  • After returning for about a year, he worked as a director office
    the minister and later the prime minister. He followed the post of ambassador to Japan
    and from 1999 to 2001 he was also executive assistant to the special envoy
    United Nations Secretary-General for the Balkans.
Miroslav Lajčák "data-original ="

Miroslav Lajčák
Robert Hüttner, The truth

  • In 2006, Lajčák played a key role at
    hold a referendum on the independence of Montenegro and its control
    Of course. A year later, he is named High Representative
    the international community and the EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Herzegovina. For its actions, this country has signed a stabilization agreement
    association agreement.
  • From 2009 to July 2010, he was Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    and European affairs of the Slovak Republic. The next two years worked as
    Executive Director for Europe and Central Asia in the new European Parliament
    the external action service in Brussels. At the same time, he was the main
    EU negotiators for the association agreement with Ukraine and Moldova and others
    EU representatives at the "5 plus 2" talks on Transnistria.
  • Since April 2012, he has been Minister of Foreign Affairs,
    Many times
    was also appointed in March 2016 and March 2018, which is
    his fourth job started in this position.
  • Last May, the United Nations General Assembly opted for
    President of its 72nd session, which lasted from September 2017 to
    September 2018.
  • Miroslav Lajčák studied in the State of Moscow
    international relationships. End of university studies
    postgraduate law studies at the Comenius University of Bratislava. he is
    holder of several awards, such as the Yugoslav Star Council
    First instance, the Honorable Council of the Republic of Moldova and the Council of Montenegro
    big star.

The pact on migration was debated today by Lubos Blah and Martin
Trot. The story was created before the resignation of Minister Lajčák.

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