MEPs, Smer, SNS, We are family members and have passed resolutions in disagreement with the UN Global Compact on Migration. However, the document, which primarily talks about the cooperation of countries around the world in the field of migration, is not legally binding for any state; according to the majority of parliaments, it is not in line with the Slovak security and migration policy.
Parliament calls on the government to adopt a disagreement on this document and to withdraw Slovakia from the adoption procedure.
The Speaker of Parliament, Andrei Danko, thanked the 90 deputies who voted for the resolution. He said that there was a lot of demagoguery around the pact on migration.
Danko criticized the United Nations and asked where the United Nations Security Council stood, for example in the conflicts in Africa, and said that the European Union was facing the time of summer and at the time of winter.
What about Lajčák?
Finally, the Parliament has not stopped participating in Slovak diplomacy at a conference in Marrakesh where a conference on the Global Compact will be held in early December and was originally aimed at CIS. According to Vice President Hank, the Danka party would still like no representative from our country to visit Morocco.
The majority of the Mosta-Híd coalition and the SaS club were absent from the vote. The votes were not voted by the MEPs. "We do not want to participate in the populist revolutionary struggles and mutiny," wrote the gesture of Igor Matovič before voting.
Online: United Nations Convention on Migration
Live – Andrej Danko and the CIS on the migration pact
Bugar and Csefalval of Most will have a press vote on the United Nations Migration Treaty at 1 pm
Lajčák is opposed to the SNS proposals because "when I feel stupid, I have to talk". "I've used the word" bargaining politics "for all those who say we're not going where we're talking, but stay at home, something I do not agree with. Said the head of diplomacy.
Danko announced a briefing at 12:10 to the United Nations Pact on Migration. Parliament has today denied the pact, but at the same time the participation of Slovak diplomacy in a conference in Marrakesh.
If the government approves next week's resolution, it would at first sight satisfy Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak that Slovak diplomacy is not going to Morocco.
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