Last year 's railway reported 550 incidents. The company launches a campaign for decency in trains


  • today 18:30

BRATISLAVA – In 2017, Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK) recorded in its trains a total of 550 different incidents. The most common cases were black passengers, but vandalism, theft and a number of health problems, often accompanied by alcohol abuse.

<img src = "" alt = "Railways call on passengers to stay clean and not to harm cars Photo Illustration Source: TASR – Radovan Stoklas

The company is launching a campaign in which it asks people to ride the train between them and respect their passengers. "We carry three million rolls of toilet paper on trains a year, more than half a million paper towels, and we use about 20 tons of cleaning trains to keep trains clean and not to harm our cars. funds, "said Filip Hluboký, managing director of ZSSK. In his own words, the carrier cleans more than 550,000 wagons

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"With the transport of 72 million passengers a year, maintaining the cultural standard of trains is a difficult task that we can not face the customer," Hluboký added. . The ZSSK plans to invest about 60,000 euros in the campaign to support the awareness and good conduct of the trains

At the same time, security is a priority for the carrier, and also cooperates closely with the police of the RS. "A warning to trainers or guides about dangerous, aggressive or suspicious behavior is the best way for passengers to react to problems," said ZSSK Inspection and Control Department Director Roman Kusý. public. However, caution and prevention are also important in his words. "As the occasion is still a thief," added Kusy.



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