László Sólymos (Most-Híd) is to impose a maximum fine in case


When the suspicion of violation of environmental law is confirmed in the construction of the Bratislava bypass.

The Minister of the Environment has declared the opinion of the Jaroslav arm in Bratislava after the day of inspection, in the presence of the Minister of Transport Árpád Érsek (Most-Híd).

The ministers have thus responded to recent suggestions regarding the use of hazardous building materials in the construction of D4 and R7, near the Danube Biskupice, Ivanka pri Dunaji and the 'I'. Jarovsky's shoulder. In these cases, the police have already started proceedings in the case of unauthorized waste management.

"I personally spoke to a police district director who confirmed that an environmental crime was being investigated, so he will be seen further," Sólymos said. He states that as soon as doubts were raised, he sent the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SIŽP) for inspection.

The Minister wants the motorways in Slovakia to be built, but so that their construction is not damaged by nature. In one of the monitored suppliers, SIŽP is already suspected that the documentation presented contradicts the information obtained by the inspectors during the inspection

The Minister of Transport is also responsible for the penalties in case of such violations. Subsequently, a contract with the dealer that D4 and R7 build, commented that each marriage breakup costs a lot of money and time. "We do not want to divorce, we want the work to be done in a quality that is written and without any environmental burden that can arise and therefore it is controlled by us and we have it on a monthly basis," he said. Erszek. 19659003] The dealer's representative, Michal Lešňovský, states that the materials used for the construction of the Bratislava bypass have valid quality certificates, taking into account all relevant standards for its use. The adequacy of all building materials used for construction is, in his opinion, regularly checked. (TASR)

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