Let's not fight how to live and what to believe


We must get rid of it. According to the archbishop of Prešov, we fall in morality. We need to hear a voice that tells us the truth convincingly, but that can not be simply an empty moralisation.

NITRA. The Cyril-Methodic National Pilgrimage began on the second day of the Nitra City Celebrations, dear Nitra. Mayor Jozef Dvonč welcomed Slovak Prime Minister Andrey Danko, Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini, ministers, deputies, representatives of churches, religious communities, diplomatic corps, armed forces, partners of Nitra and other guests from Slovakia and from abroad

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We need responsible leaders

Specially welcomed the main celebrant of St. Nicholas, Masses – Mons. Ján Babjak, Archbishop of Prešov and Metropolitan sui iuris
As he said, we met in the ancient Nitra, the symbol of our homeland, where there are more than 1100 years ago, our faithful st. Cyril and Methodius

"Our earth touched not only at his feet, but above all at the word of God and at the grace of God, at which time they sealed the seal of our ancestor to the Slavs, bringing a belief living in a God of three and a half in their hearts, and through them we and our descendants have received this living gift of faith.We are proud of our faithful today because they are our fathers in the faith, "said faithful Archbishop Babjak

" Today we are especially reminded of them because we think that this is not a good way to make us strangers. "Our country needs to To hear once again the strong voice and the powerful example of the hieroglyphics of today, but it also needs responsible leaders who would be a people capable of making choices and making sacrifices according to the model of the hieroglyphs of today. solitary brothers, such spiritual and lay leaders need Slovakia not to deny that no one can manipulate us and impose unacceptable laws at the dawn of the third millennium. "

The Archbishop urged people living in Slovakia to stay to not leave them Someone who has convinced them, who and what to believe, how to live, what are their marriages, how many of them? kids can have and how and what they can learn at school.

He remembers the murder of Ján Kuciak

Especially Archbishop Babjak turned to journalists and media workers. He acknowledged that their job is very demanding and important as it is more a job than a job. The most important thing is to rely on the truth, not on half-truths or lies, because they not only inform the masses but they form them. "19659003" We see how our whole society has gained the truth after the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová. And it still resonates in society because their killer is free. We do not want to listen to fairy tales and myths, but we want to hear the truth. "

" I think things would not happen then. Our company is vulnerable to corruption, patronage, embezzlement of European funds, various frauds and mafia ways. Good people in this society want to solve and solve these things. "

What is moral, determines God, not people

As he said later, vierozvestcovia was the true light for our ancestors because they were true truths with P They have brought their faith and culture to all that belongs to them.Through their lives, they enlightened all men on the path of life by teaching them to live by faith in Jesus Christ and to form their conscience

"This is very necessary today. Many people have a very distorted or distorted consciousness. If not, how could they break the truth as it is today ?! What was moral is immoral today, and vice versa. But we are not mistaken, it's determined by God, not us, people, "the archbishop pointed out. A hundred times the repeated lie is never right, but if we say it, sin will always be a sin

"We must be wrong, let us fall on a moral ground that has only made us happy. We need to hear a voice that tells us the truth in a convincing way, but it is not a mere moralization.We seek truth and truth will deliver us from all evil and misfortune. Acts, we will be responsible again not only to the Lord God, but also to the generations that will come after us.Keep them in a beautiful and healthy landscape, "concluded the main celebrant

introduced a Slovak-Vatican stamp

at the end of the feast St. The President of the Nitra Philatelists Club 52-51 Nitra Milan Šajgalík presented a joint Slovak-Vatican stamp. On the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the recognition of the Old Slavonic language as the fourth liturgical language

"This event will be broadcast worldwide on postage stamps of the Slovak Republic and the Vatican in the form of 39, a stamp or a stamp.A Slovak 660th stamp starts in our order within 25 years of existence of our state.It was produced in the form of flat steel in combination with the The author of the graphic design is Dušan Kállay, the engraving was made by František Horniak.I wish the mark of successful circles around the world to spread these precious and memorable moments, "said Shajgalik and handed a token to Archbishop Jan Babjak

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