LG has patented a 16 cell phone with many great features!


You seem like three or four cameras on the back of your mobile are not so many? If you answered positively, LG only thought of you when you had a cell phone with 16 optical cells.

The patent noticed the server LetsGoDigital. He came to patent images that you can notice on the main camera with unusual design. It can have a different shape and design. However, its main advantage lies in the fact that it consists of a matrix of 16 lenses maximum. We do not recognize the exact settings of the camera, but the patents associated with LG show some of its features.

The LG 16-Lens Camera Can Have Different Shapes / LetsGoDigital

The pictures of other patents indicate what one could expect from the camera of a LG smartphone. First of all, it is the resolution of several images and the subsequent binding into one, which makes it possible to support the ultraviolet or HDR resolutions. This is already being used by Google on its Pixel smartphones today.

3D objects will not only scan, but also rotate and fold their parts / LetsGoDigital

However, the drawings of the patent also describe how to capture objects from different angles with the help of such a multi-optical mobile camera to create 3D photos. or 3D models. One can find something similar with the Sony Xperia, but only one camera is available for 3D scanning. Everything else becomes old software. LG, however, can continue with his arsenal of cameras. The scanned object seems to be able to rotate and bend.

Well, and that's not enough, LG adds extra functionality. When you take a picture and do not like the angle of your face, you simply choose a picture from a different angle., which has been refined with another optician and in a few clicks to simply change the face on the photo.

When you do not like your face on the picture from a certain angle, you can easily change it to another one / LetsGoDigital

Maybe each lens of LG's camera has other settings and that together they can photograph a wide range of situations so you can photograph subjects in all conditions. Whether they are near, far away or dark, or conversely, a lighter environment. That's what makes Light, which is supposed to currently help Nokia to mark the development of the flagship model, Nokia 9. It will have 5 main cameras.

In the case of LG, of course, it's just a patent and we probably will not have it in real life. At the moment, most Samsung Galaxy A9 cameras are at the back. Its 4 goals also envy the flagship product and it seems to come out of the throne of Nokia 9, which we all expect.

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