Life is about love. Tej Sagan's End – Sports Offshoped


21.07.2018 05:00

Peter Sagan is one of the greatest sports figures in the world. If he or she biking, they report all sports media – from Asia, from Europe to America, where he is extremely popular.

  Katarína Smolková and Peter Sagan

Katarína Smolková and Peter

Author: Robert Hüttner, Pravda

When Wednesday night he announced on the social network Facebook gauge
with his wife Katarina, they also caught up with the information portals, which

A Slovak cyclist is simply a phenomenon whose personal life for a couple
days attracted more than his green jersey on the Tour de France. And privacy, you do

Progressive love

In relation with Katarína Smolková. In public with her for the first time
showed the Golden Pedal at the Gala Dinner in February 2014. The truth is, however
they met three years ago. His brother, whom the Saganoves knew

"I would not say it was love at first sight. I'm not like that
Of type. But I fell in love with each other, "he said later

Finalist Miss Universe 2007 started with a star biker.
discover more and more often. In 2015, when Sagan in the United States
Richmonde won the first world champion title, waiting for the finish.
They first jumped the iron fence to support their infinite kisses
the world.

In the same year they announced the marriage. He planned for Martin
November 11 in a church in Dolnom Kubin, from where comes a bride.
The event of the year was watched by thousands of fans, photos of
of all, not only the Slovak media

Immediately after, the Saganov decided to live in Monaco. sure
Slovakia did not enjoy much privacy, but it was not the main reason.

"There is snow in Slovakia, it is not possible to drive here." Climate in Monaco
it's okay, it's not raining, it's still at least 14 degrees and it's there
beautiful, "Peter pointed out the decision to move to tax haven

Woman and manager

His wife, who after working on management and the economy worked
in a family business dealing with the hotel and business with a healthy
nutrition, she stayed with him. This made him a background of a personal position
manager – took care of his advertising activities and accompanied him
some races or competitions.

Together, they appeared in one of the most popular Christmas
mobile operator. Less than two years after the marriage, they both posted on the social
network a funny photo comment and announcement that they are waiting for the first

"This is probably not palaciniek.Life is about love!"

Sagan is preparing responsibly for the arrival of the child. After September
the world championship in Bergen, Norway, where he finished the hetrik gold he finished
(19659014) Last October, Marlon's son was born to them

"Our family grew up today! With Katka, we are very happy to have you
we can announce the birth of Marlon. Our son and Katka are fine, "
Sagan said on social networks. And since he was in the Saganov family
always a part of their life, a strong belief, the pope baptized

Finally, however, only a general audience at the head of the Catholic Church
church during which the Slovak competitor gave him the signed jersey of the master
(19659009) Triumph for Marlon

Sunday, July 8, he takes control of the second round of the Tour de France this year,
triumph dedicated to a little boy.

"This victory today is also for my son Marlon and also
Zilina's fans and the father who came here for me, "he said
on arrival. Katarina's wife is no longer mentioned.

Since Wednesday night we know why. "After a long and thorough interview we are
and Katka concluded that it would be much better if we were a couple
finished. We think we should continue our life as well
friends and we agree that it's the right decision, "he writes

Status, which at first was not believed by many and considered insoluble

"We were in love one with the other, we went through a fantastic trip and have
bless us in the form of a beautiful son, Marlon. Katka is important
part of my life, supported me all these years
in my professional career and she is a great mother. I do not feel anything
bad. Our common goal will be Marlon, we want to be devotees and
They need loving parents, "he says.

Naturally, the statement was very popular in Slovakia. And although on
Sagan added that he would not be more vocal on the subject yesterday
He did.

"Journalists write about it as the biggest news in Slovakia.
to say that it is my private life. I do not need to have it
someone worried, "he said in a video.

The young man refused speculation that he was gay with his wife
different. "There is no other woman in there," he added.

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