Link to Princess: Charlotte, 3 years old, showed a strong but honest character


The sincerity of children is one of the most humorous things in young children. And this time, Charlotte, three years, made a big smile to the public.

Although it may seem that royal children do not do such things, the opposite is true. Charlotte, the three-year-old princess, already shows that she is raising a fearless little girl who, with her adoration, can make her smile.

At a recent baptism of her brother Louise, she proved that she was also a strong and honest girl. We especially have to be admired by journalists, smiling and very kind. But after the baptism, she did something that the public was not used to.

A clear reference for all curious

After leaving the chapel and held the hand of his father, she was a misfortune to a journalist. "You're not going there," he told a curious photographer, as the whole family moved to Clarence House, where they had a little tea session

William left nothing out. Other than his words He seems to have said that his three-year-old daughter is right, and her honesty came to her, maybe a little embarrassed like most parents when her child says something that is wrong very good. While his brother George is rather shy and the eyes of the public prefer to avoid, Charlotte is totally different

Source: Reuters

Source: Reuters

Source: Nortfoto

Source: Reuters

Prince Louis is baptized: First photos of the baptism of Kate and William

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