Lucia Mokráňová entered BITKA at the bar: she had serious injuries!


Lucia Mokráňová became an important figure of Slovak Scouting after being detached from the reality of reality. She turned her hobbies into a living profession, including sports and training. In addition, she is still engaged in modeling.

Luckine's developed occupations recently threatened an event that was not expected by the blonde herself. Looking at the innocent evening with friends, he turned to the drama. He was only a little short and a young coach would be left in the field of sport.

During a disco, the former farmer wandered into the conflict of two unknown men. " We were with friends at a disco, we had fun and nothing to suggest that it would end badly in the evening "

"I did not even notice that almost two guys were standing next to me and one of them wanted the other man to be so angry and in full force to describe the event that he was had caused horrible wounds

Dohra, which looks like a bad movie, was finally better than at first glance. " Of course, I flew a few meters right away and [19459004IunfortunatelyfellonmylegwhichIbrokeIalsotookmyhand. I was at the wrong time in the wrong place. " with a sadness reminiscent of the end of the evening because of the bleeding and pain of Mokráňová

Finally, she found a positive side because her injury was not as bad as it was. Lucia believes that she will soon recover and be able to fully compete again, and we are holding it in our thumbs

Photo: Instagram l [19659009] v, n, t, p)
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