Lukáš Adamec will love each of your fans


an hour ago redakcia

Slovak singer Lukáš Adamec is sincerely grateful for his popularity and he respects each of his fans. "Sometimes, when I do not care about people and people want to take pictures with me, then I'll be overwhelmed by my head that" Jesus, not now … "but it takes about five seconds, because I'm # I have enough brain for I like, "he said in an interview with SITA

" That's what I want, I want it and I want it, I want my music to people, and if nobody listens, I will only do it for myself, but that means I can not feed myself, I can only do it as a hobby and j & rsquo; Love music too, that's my job and that people and their loved ones are., In which I'm in a state or not, or I'm angry, fairy tale, no matter .. I should look forward to them and look to the future, "explained the singer.

A young man from Kosice would not live without music in his own words. However, the muse does not always come to the call. "Sometimes I concentrate, I listen to a song, I think about the text and it's not the case, so it does not have to be silly … And then there are days when a day comes to my mind, I am able to interrupt a debate. "My friends already know, they call me" Bright, Run. "Such precious moments must be used to create new songs, and Hot Love and Breathing are like that," Adamec said. 19659004] He has two albums in his own words. "Now it's up to you to pick the best songs, think about the arrangement, think about how we would like to play, how we would show them at concerts and how we would know how to give them to people, and they want them Many people say that it does not matter, and I mostly do music to entertain, but that's my job and if I did not think of people who appreciate my songs and how they might like them, then "

Source: SITA
. Photo: Peter Žákovic

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