Making elections: the real Americans themselves are real pros


Berlin, August 1, 2018 Sputnik / Photo: TASR / AP-Susan Walsh)

The newspaper Neue Züricher Zeitung, who can hardly be suspected of anti-Americanism. Affecting the elections by the Russians? "You can just laugh at it", as "the real professionals of this job are the Americans themselves".

Photo Illustration

Concerns about Russia's alleged interference occurred during the last presidential election in the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin would have helped Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton – his army of trolls, false messages and other tools. Special investigator Robert Mueller accused 13 Russians of participating in this conspiracy. In addition, the intelligence services warn that the Russians have manipulated the congressional elections in 2018.

Up to now, it's a broken song, everyone knows it. Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ), New York News correspondent, Andreas Mink changed perspective as follows – How America Manages the Elections

NZZ gives space to many insiders who, on the basis of American politics for many years, can only laugh at this concern

"We have done such things since we were in the secret service of the CIA was established in 1947. We produce posters, banners We give false information to foreign newspapers We use what the Briti say "Cavalry of King Juraj" – a suitcase full of money. "(Loch K. Johnson, New York Times security expert )

The NZZ in personal interviews

"The United States not only manipulates the election, but interfere massively with the politics and civil society of other states."

That's a whole range of ways: hidden activities in social media, spying on the Internet, funding and arming opposition groups, funding NGOs and think tanks in the destination country, the US government sponsored by Radio Freedom, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, financing and placement of radio and television media content whose resources are not published for the purpose of manipulating the public

There are many examples well-documented use of these techniques, for example influencing political life and elections, the activity of the CIA on the cultural and intellectual scene during the Cold War in neighboring Germany, the peaceful resolution of the government in Serbia in 2000, or a direct position on a particular party only in the election of the Russian president in 1996 with the support of Boris Yeltsin

Even the opera secret and open military interventions in which violence is immediate have a long tradition in the US government: the first military coup supported by the CIA in 1949 in Syria and in 1953 in Iran, by military actions in Latin America, Africa and South-East Asia until the last wars in the Balkans, Iraq, Libya and Syria

Stuart Schwartzstein criticized these American practices in the NZZ in simple terms:

"The United States is superior in its very essence. (19659002)

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