Malaysian families of missing air passengers say they have not received new information


According to the related investigation report, it contains no new findings on the cause of the disappearance of flight MH370.

Missing MH370 passenger families at Malaysia Airlines said Monday that the investigation report they had already provided did not contain new findings on the cause of the mysterious disappearance of the airline. 39; air. Reporters reported

The report, however, pointed out mistakes and practices and rules that had not been followed, the families told reporters after the authorities had informed on the report. A briefing was held in camera Monday in Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia

The investigation will be published by the authorities Monday morning

Great mystery

"We hope that these mistakes will not be repeated not and that "

The flight MH370 with 239 people on board disappeared on the road to Kuala Lumpur in Beijing on March 8, 2014. His disappearance is one of the most important

The message follows two months after that Malaysia has canceled underwater research financed by private funds

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