Many believe it, Evelyn said it aloud: A hard link on the Internet


The fact that everything we see on the Internet is not real, we all know it. Social networks have given this phenomenon a new dimension. Everyone in the Instagram is going from the front to publish the best picture so the next "off" has to admit that he has a better life than himself. But the Slovak comedian "favorite" Evelyn, who knows how much the difference between the life behind the goal and behind it is great, is the "bull". It's because of such a situation that it's often joking. "

" Sometimes I stitch on Instagram, like any of you, and I say: Really? Are they really so happy and chasing their laf? Do you really drink bubbles on the yacht's luck? And further, I see more people watching IG and say, "What am I doing wrong?" I just want to suggest that everything we see here is a small illusion. And then we compare and then we are sad to know why we do not have what we all have, "she said.

Evelyn accurately stated what a lot of Instagram glitters only think quietly. "Of course, no one was welcomed by having a day or going through a big break, or having a boss who had done it today for three more days." I just want to say that you do not do anything wrong, but you do it differently – do not compare and live the authentic life is the best of luck and I guarantee that it's better to feel like a new channel, "she wrote to her photo in Spain.

Source: Instagram / evelynjefresh

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