Marcek takes Crimea and members of the Communist Party, they do not know the party


Peter Marček plans a private trip to Crimea. Martin Glváč of Smer knows nothing of anyone going to Crimea

BRATISLAVA. Visitors to the annexed Crimea, where several Peter Marcek MPs come to the summit in July, have been oppressed by the Most-Hid coalition and the Ukrainian Ambassador to Slovakia Jurij Mušek

In Crimea, some members of the Coalition Command and the CIS are also preparing for Crimea, but they do not want to divulge their names. He justified this by putting pressure on them

"The media and Ukraine still say that democracy is not respected in Crimea, so let's see what it is," said Marcek to the SME.

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Marcek argues that if the media wants to know what kind of MPs they will come to the airport on July 31 when they will see them. In Crimea, he flies to Moscow

[Marked by Mark] I'll go to Crimea and to the government

Glover does not know anyone

The SME newspaper has approached several members of the Directorate, but none of them are n & rsquo; Could tell who Marcek in mind.

As this is a private and unofficial means, the deputies did not have to sign a business trip

Smer Martin Vice President Martin Glváč says that no member of the party that would be in Crimea he was ready, he did not know. "After the media, I found out, but everyone says they're not going."

In Moste-Hide, the path of parliamentarians in Crimea was unacceptable. They recalled that Crimea is, according to international law, Ukrainian territory, and this fact is recognized by the European Union, NATO and the official line of foreign policy of Slovakia. [19659506] "If Slovakia does not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea, it considers the peninsula as part of Ukraine and it is appropriate that the Slovak representatives behave," added Most

"The Ukrainian side will respond, I think that they will be banned from going to Ukraine in the future," he said Thursday. Political parties wrote a letter to dismiss their deputies from the road

His words resurface Andrey Danko of the IEC.

"If a citizen, a member of the National Council, decides where he goes, no ambassador will talk about going or not," said Danko in a statement. [ad_2]
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