Marian Kočner has worn a million euros to be free


The judge has not convinced millions of people in the case of a related businessman.

Marian Kocner offered a bail of € 1 million to be released by the Banská Bystrica specialized criminal court. The Pravda newspaper informed him that the judge had been left behind bars in Leopoldov prison by a grumpy and controversial businessman.

The police arrested the police officers in the second half of June 2018. They accused him of falsifying bills of about 70 million euros. You have claimed the dispute with the owner Markia TV. Later, the investigators added other allegations.

One million euros is not common

The letter of credit of one million euros is mentioned in the order of revocation of the court, which made the truth available to anonymous persons. The judge states in the recitals that a financial guarantee can only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

Family and personal circumstances, such as the health of the family, which would depend on the accused or would occupy a large family, pregnancy, etc., could be tedious.

"Since I did not find any other exceptional circumstances in the case, I did not impose on the accused the supervision of the probation officer and the probation officer. mediator and have not accepted the offer of the pecuniary guarantee, "quotes the newspaper according to the judge's statement.

In the legal practice in Slovakia, penalties exceeding EUR 100,000 are not common. In addition, Kočner fears with reason that he will continue his criminal activities after his release.

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