Mark Zuckerberg became the third richest person on the planet. He also preceded Warren Buffet


Facebook was downgraded and criticized a few months ago People were asked to interfere with their profiles. The stock of the company immediately shook and dropped a few percent. At first glance, the terrible disaster that drove Cambridge Analytica analysts to present themselves to tens of millions of users.

Mark Zuckerberg admitted the mistake, knowing that the wrong approach to solving the problem could seriously hurt the company. That's why he chose a tactic like this: "I'm going to have a lot of ashes on my head and I will do everything to minimize the risk of harm."

Evil became good

Initially he was under enormous pressure. The curious questions of the journalists arose from all sides He even denounced the American Congress, whose representatives were surprised by the amateur questions. He also faced unpleasant problems in front of the representatives of the European Union. He also worked on the news. This included a new menu of privacy settings and security measures. Today, Facebook is back in force. The sins of the past are forgotten

The positive developments were also reflected in the wealth of Mark Zuckerberg himself He rose to the third rank of the richest people on the planet, from where he has was squashed by the legendary investor Warren Buffett The total value of Mark Zuckerberg's assets is currently $ 81.6 billion. It rose after the stock appreciated by 2.4%.

However, Warren Buffett still poses a huge risk because his assets are only less than about $ 0.5 billion . This can happen at any time. Second, there is another giant, Bill Gates, who has assets of $ 92.3 billion. Well and first place was taken by a bald man with a laughing laugh Jeff Bezos, who built a nice lead. The value of his property is $ 139.6 billion.

A direct threat does not exist. If he faces the competition, he will be elsewhere. The Amazon is really successful in everything it does. The case of Facebook has emphasized one thing. Whatever the situation, it is still possible to win


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