Marko Mirgorodsky did not qualify for the junior finals


The trio of Slovak kayaks did not succeed in the semifinals

21. juni 2018 o 10:13 (updated 21 July 2018 at 15:55) TASR

junior and up to 23 years old in slalom of water:

C1 men under 23 years :

1. Václav Chalupka 80.57s 0 0 0 3 Cedric Joly 83.91s 0
20. in semifinal in semifinal

] 92.64 sec 2 3 2 2 ] V. Charles ] 94.91 s 2 in the semifinals Last update: 19459006 Last update: 19459006 ] Last update: 19459006 Click to enlarge Last modification: 19459006 Total votes:

Ivrea. Slovakian representative Ľudovít Macúš won medals in the final of his age group C1 in the junior and U-23 races at slalom Ivrea

The sixteen-year-old rider was presented in semifinal Saturday. The time was 90.06 seconds for fifth place

Juraj Mráz and Fedor Červenka

Farer did not go fast enough, he made contact with the second goal and took the 18th position. On June 11, Red won the 50-second penalty and added three hits, which resulted in the 28th year

Final is scheduled Saturday at 16:15

The medals are also held by Stanovska

The kayaker Kenya's Soňa Stanovská was among the juniors and in the semifinal she won the sixth fastest time of 96.87, despite four penal victories

. The procedure went to Lucia Murzova who finished in 16th place and Kristina Ďurecová in 19th place. The winner is Czech Kateřina Beková (93,16)

Final K1 at 16:37

In the category C1 to 23 he did not reach the final Marko Mirgorodsky

Mirgorod failed in half final

Obhajca the title was one of the biggest favorites.

Mirgorod, who won Friday's qualifying, took 20 points twice in the semifinal with 17 goals and 18 goals and gained four penal seconds

After the gold in the category of up to 23 years and the first two among the juniors has now interrupted the winning series

Gold won the Czech Republic by Václav Chaloupka

] Kayakarka has not scored a [19659036] In the semifinals, the three Slovak kayaks did not reach 23 years old. The closest to the final was Michaela Haššová, but she did not collect up to 8 seconds penal, which was a heavy burden compared to the competition

Eliška Mintálová awarded 50 penalties to the 15th goal and the finale was also the same as that of paddler Simon Macek

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