Mars found New Hour Lake


Liquid water is a prerequisite for life. If we find extraterrestrial microbes in our solar system, the lake of Marse is a hot candidate.

Even hot as hot. It is 1.5 km deep under a layer of ice in a place where the temperature is minus 68 degrees Celsius. According to scientists, the water is only fluid because it is obviously very salty

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The direct exploration of the site is not not possible with current technologies. Even if a probe succeeds, it will not be deep. The lake was discovered by the analysis of radar signals transmitted by Mars Express probe and their reflections. According to them, the lake is under the wide surface up to 20 km. The depth has not been measured accurately, but according to scientists, the water layer has a minimum of one meter.

Mars Express

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    Launch of 25.5 m
  • in 2003
  • joint mission of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency
  • ] since then it revolves around Mars and is looking for water
  • it is estimated that it will last another 50 years in the orbit

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