Master of Trnava did not arrive in Baník Ostrava, Nitra went to Hungary


<img src = "" width = "298" alt = "Spartak Trnava has succumbed to preparation of Ostrava

TRNAVA – The football players of the master fortunalig FC Spartak Trnava lost against Banik Ostrava 0-0 on Wednesday

FK Poprad (II League) – MFK Zemplin Michalovce 1: 1 (0: 1 )

Goals: 74. Zekucia – 19. S. Danko

Honvéd Budapest (FC) – FC Nitra 2: 0 (1: 0)
Goals: 17. Pölöskei, 67. Nagy

Score: 48. Fillo

Tags: FC Spartak Trnava FC Baník Ostrava (CZ) 0: 1 (0: 1)

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