MEGAPODVOD in Slovakia: The imported ford had half a million kilometers twisted! The damage is also falsified


Slovakia, with Belgium and the Netherlands, is actively investigating the so-called "Odometer Fraud – Countries exchange mileage information."

Statistics confirm that fraud on cars imported from The Netherlands and Belgium are gradually decreasing

The RPVV states that imports from the Netherlands have succeeded in the first half of this year reduce the number of maneuvers from 42.6% to 11.26%, a decrease of 31.34%

Similar developments took place with vehicles imported from Belgium From March to the end of June 2018, the number of mileage vehicles decreased by more than half from 14.84% at 7.2%

Statistics confirm that the exchange of mileage data helps to reduce imported vehicles.

 Buy a used vehicle.

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Ford of Holland had twisted nearly half a million kilometers

"Vehicles imported into Slovakia from the Netherlands averaged 77,300 kilometers and 54,600 kilometers in Belgium The odometer is a Ford Transit vehicle with a "modified" mileage of 541,630 kilometers. " informed registry representatives that the vehicle had a distance of 705 891 km recorded in the Netherlands. Low, but it was declared in Slovakia that

Fossils, Volkswagen, Renault, Ford and Peugeot are most often falsified

The fallen kilometers were the most frequently imported vehicles from Škoda, Volkswagen, Renault, Ford or Peugeot However, many vehicles were registered in third countries before being imported and registered in Slovakia and were then registered with us. the most common are Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Belgium

 Purchase of a used vehicle.

Source: Getty Images

[19659904] "The Slovak Republic, following the model of the Belgian Car-Pass system since May 20, introduced an obligation for public and private entities in the automotive sector to send information, including mileage meter data, to the FTP. "

More than 2,000 used vehicles in Slovakia had fake kilos

Originality checkpoints and FTSV extraction providers have already revealed 2,819 mileage vehicles. "Of which 798 vehicles had a modified mileage, which indicates the dishonest intention of the other operator or dealer of the vehicle.And as in 2,201 cases, the value of the distance traveled in the vehicle was the same as the number of vehicles. mileage history has been changed. " described the VPN with the addition that the recording of the automotive environment odometer data at the VPRP provides a more detailed overview mileage, eliminating any unauthorized tampering with the displayed odometer value. "The registry information is the only official resource that provides relevant data", pointed out representatives who warn people that the existence and content of the list can be checked on the site Before the purchase, they must also require a statement or verification data from the operator of the vehicle

The fraudster is liable to a fine of up to EUR 100,000

Finally, RPZV note that entrepreneurs and businesses sell or sell directly or indirectly. May 2018 two homework. The first is to send information on all vehicle sales made to the RPF. The second duty is to attach a list to the vehicle if it has been tampered with by the odometer display or handling odometer. "Failure to comply with both obligations imposes repeated fines on them, the second duty even threatens to be fined 3,000 to 100,000 euros." provided by RPZV

See also: A nice comparison of gas prices in Europe! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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