Member of the judges for status on the social network.


In the lower part of the sentence with a suspended sentence and the imposition of a probation control, the prosecutor proposes to the prosecutor Stanislava M. (LSNS), accused of extremism for a statute dishonorable on Facebook

4. July 2018 at 16:25 TASR


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Text to the prosecution

The prosecutor has stated that Stanislav M. is the author of the text that is the subject of the indictment. "This is evidenced by the result of the inspection of the premises in the Slovak Republic, where handwritten notes written by the defendants were found, and he himself drew up a list of the presidents of Jewish personalities of origin Jewish, whose content was confirmed by Stanislav M. "

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In his words, there is no reason to doubt that the author of the text is Stanislav M. and that he was interested in misleading text disclosure. "None of his reactions to the act suggests that he was not the author of the text and that he had no status of interest . " The status was signed by his name, and he did not support the evidence to support it.

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The prosecutor therefore asked the court to focus on the meaning of sentences and words published by the accused. "I understand that Stanislav M. has filled the facts of the crimes of production and expansion of extremist materials and the cause of defamation of the nation, race and belief," he said. 19659013] Visit the concentration camp

As part of the probation control, the Prosecutor proposes to Stanislav M. to make a tour of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland with comments from experts and from confirm that he was there

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The defense, on the contrary, demands the acquittal of the prosecution. "It has not been proven that the act was committed by the defendant, but the remarks made during the inspection are proof of innocence, they appeared four days later and the words themselves do not bear any sign of extremism ". computer to the point of knowing how to write statuses. So they did not complete the facts of the offenses. The statute itself was broadcast by the media, not by Stanislav M. The assertion of the lawyer that he did not leave the statute of attorney is legally irrelevant. There is no insulting word in the law. Declare that someone is Jewish, Hungarian or Slovak without offensive attribute is not defamation, "said the lawyer, admitting that the status has caused controversy, apparently also the purpose of 39, an unknown author.

According to the defense, "There is no evidence that the accused committed a criminal offense, he proposes that the trial be exempted," he added.

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Stanislav M. said in the last word that he did not say the case from the beginning because his actions against him seemed unfair and so he left to the lawyers. he wrote that he only checked the facts in the media.

"The notes were written four days after the statue.I am innocent, I did not even have any status on the internet to write this text.In addition, in Auschwitz, I've been twice in pioneer camps, "he concluded.
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