MEPs have repeatedly voted for Kiska's veto: they have adopted these laws


The amendment of the Head of State was referred to the renegotiation of Parliament, on the grounds that no analysis had been made as to why the rules on public procurement should contain more restrictions on competition. Goods and services used in the preparation and exercise of the presidency within an organization or international group, or in the preparation and delivery of an international event of significant nature at the level of the President, the President of the National Council or a member of the Government, may be purchased through direct award.

The modification of the public markets governs the conditions of a dynamic purchasing system, which extends the exemption to a period of status quo when the contracts are signed. Nototot nototot nototot nototkyotkyotky τηky not the auction is canceled in two envelopes, otherwise the Office has acted, which increases the burden of contracting authorities and unnecessarily prolongs public procurement.

Marek Maďarič

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

The amendment clarifies the procedure for awarding low value contracts, introduces a new simplification of outsourcing, allows the creation of a committee to evaluate offers or to make a simple affidavit serving as a pre-refund of Conditions of participation. Financial limits for low value orders will increase again, competition will not be required for goods and services up to 70 TH. without VAT (up to 50 000 €), construction works up to 180 000 €. 150,000 euros and hotel, cultural and social services up to 260,000 euros. EUR (200,000 euros).

The amendment deletes respectively from the electronic market construction works. makes it impossible to award contracts for the execution of construction work via an electronic market. Review procedures should be more efficient and simpler, with limited content and time adjustments for redress. Notky Notky Notky

Amendment of the Tourism Promotion Act

On Tuesday, the National Council of the RS approved an amendment to the law on the promotion of tourism in its original form. She defeated the veto of the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kisk, who referred the amendment to the reopening of the amendment for several reservations. On the basis of an amendment to the SNS workshop, employers will provide their employees with a holiday allowance from Slovakia in the next year if they employ 50 or more people. For companies and institutions with less than 50 employees, this contribution will be voluntary.

Béla Bugár

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

The allowance will correspond to 55% of the eligible leisure costs per year, up to a limit of 275 euros. Such an amount will be paid by employers if they spend more than five hundred euros on leisure. This will apply to employees who have been working continuously with employers for at least 24 months and who have a fixed-term contract. The nationals initially offered to pay a contribution for all employees and a period of employment with the employer for at least 12 months. The reduction of the contribution for employees with reduced working hours will only concern the maximum amount of the contribution per year (275 €).

Changes in the civil code

The draft Law of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic amending the Civil Code, which reflects the decision of the Constitutional Court on non-compliance with the Consumer Protection Act, was renamed by the deputies when the President Andrej Kiska did not sign it.

After a new one, the law of the consumer can not be recovered from the consumer contract. This will only be possible if the debtor is aware of the silence. The law will not apply to old procedures, but only to new suggestions that will be submitted after the amendment comes into force.

Milan Krajniak and Boris

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

The approved bill is a response to the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, which ruled on non-compliance with the Consumer Protection Act. The approved material is intended to introduce a modification that will not be applied or enforced by the consumer. Voluntary enforcement and eventual unilateral or bilateral modification will only be possible if the debtor is aware of the silence. The bill will not apply to proceedings brought by the law.

Registry Act of Non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations

The members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic again approved the draft Law on Non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations, which was not signed by President Andrej Kiska. According to the project approved by the Ministry of the Interior, the registry will be a public administration information system, which will include data on nonprofit organizations providing services of the Ministry of the Interior. general interest, foundations, non-investment funds, civic associations, trade unions and employers as well as international organizations.

Martin Poliačik

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

The information to be entered in the register will include, for example, the name and address of the registered office of the legal person, its identification number, its legal form, the data of the founders or legal representatives or their activities. . The registers of non-profit, non-governmental organizations, currently classified by the Ministry of the Interior, contain data on registered and registered non-profit organizations of variable quality in terms of scope and speed. The law therefore aims to create a reliable and unified source register of non-profit, non-governmental organizations.

The register will be kept in electronic form. Unregistered entities can not provide public funds to public authorities. Legal entities registered in the register of non-governmental non-profit organizations will be uniquely identified and will constitute a "reliable and up-to-date source for the register of legal persons, entrepreneurs and public authorities". The law will come into force on January 1, 2019.

Amendment to the law on political parties

MEPs reiterated today a draft amendment to the law on parties and political movements from the SNS, which the President of Parliament referred to the debate in October. The approved amendment introduces a new regulation for the elections to the National Assembly and the European Parliament. The condition for the candidate parties is that the party wishing to vote has a minimum number of organs and members of its organs. By law, each party will be required to have an audit committee, the arbitration body and the executive body (the Bureau). In addition, the supreme body of the party will be a dream. The party will also have a status. In addition to the statutory party, each party organ shall be composed of at least three members and nine executive members. A member can not be in more than one body at a time.

Robert Kaliňák

Source: SITA / Diana Černáková

Parties wishing to run alongside the NR SR or the European Parliament will have to submit a list of the number of party members, in addition to the list of candidates and their constituency. "He must have at least double the number of candidates on the list", explained in October Tibor Bernajak (IEC). Alternatively, the parties will have the choice. If they do not choose this option, they must submit before the elections a list of members representing five times the highest executive authority of the party. "Thus, when the executive body composed of the bureau has nine members, the party must submit before the elections a list of 45 party members", he said.

After a new obligation, the party will publish the loan information received on its website. MEPs also agreed that the parties would be required to create a payment account held at the Treasury. The account number of the special account is communicated to the political party in paper or electronic form immediately after its creation by the Ministry of Finance and the State Commission, which publishes it on its website.

The Ministry of Finance will start paying contributions from the state budget upon receipt of a notification by the party of a separate account number. Funds placed in a separate account can only be used to transfer an account to an account. The party can not transfer funds from contributions from the state budget to a separate account on another bank's payment account. Contributions from the state budget can not be used by the party for loans and credits to natural or legal persons, tacit partnership agreements, the activities of a company incorporated by the party or its sole shareholder, a responsibility towards natural or legal persons or donations.

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