Merkel: The process to solve the issue of migration will decide the persistence EU-world-administration


  Angela Merkel, Horst Seehofer

The head of the CDU, the German boss Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer, head of the CSU, have a preliminary agreement on the issue of migration.


The process of solving the problem of migration will decide whether the European Union will remain. According to the DPA, the German office Angela Merkel said during a debate on the federal budget on the 2018 budget. She added that a legally acceptable, realistic and united response is needed not to overburden people .

Meanwhile, German ruling parties are trying to get in shape
what are called transit centers for asylum seekers in the
border. The office pointed out that refugees would spend in the centers
not more than 48 hours

"There must be a greater order in all modes of migration,
so that people believe that law and order will be preferred, "she said.
the head of the German government. She recalled that at the last summit of the EU
a week in Brussels, all have agreed on the issue of migration
on the fact that they can not solve the country itself, but that "it is
a task that concerns everyone. "

Merkel also stated that the number of people getting on boats
Europe across the Mediterranean, has dropped 95 percent. despite
She added that the protection of Europe's external borders needs to be strengthened.
She promised that Germany will contribute to this work

But now, in the Federal Chamber of Deputies,
his previous approach to the problem of migration. The head of the faction
extremist and at the same time the strongest opposition party Alternative for
Germany (AfD) Alica Weidel has accused Merkel of having his mandate on
liberal migration policy has divided Germany and Europe.

"Germany has become an engine and a stabilizer of chaos under your government"
said the opposition politician. "Stop this tragedy and please,

Asylum policy has been challenged in recent weeks by government parties
of the Conservative Union CDU / CSU. They have agreed on a compromise this week –
the creation of transit centers on the German-Austrian border, but
the agreement must now take place between the CDU / CSU and the third party,
Social Democracy (SPD).

According to the DPA, however, parties whose leaders
discuss further before Thursday, mark the rapprochement. Merkel
said that asylum seekers will spend in the transit centers below
custody for up to two days. "It takes us 48 hours,
says the constitution, "she said in an interview with ARD. sure
the expiry of this period, asylum seekers must be transferred

According to the DPA, Merkel and CSU Chief and Horst Seehofer, Minister of the Interior
seek to restrict stay in transit centers for two days
at the meeting of the SPD, which has hitherto emphasized that it will not accept any
"Closed Camps". The SPD has already expressed cautious optimism on the fact
consensus. Seehofer wants to discuss issues in Vienna before
with the Austrian government. In an interview with n-tv Seehofer
dismissed the criticism that the planned centers are in fact internment camps

The CDU agreed with the Bavarian CSU on Monday that the centers of transit
will be created at three border points on the Austrian-German border. of the
asylum seekers already registered in others must be returned
EU countries. However, it is also necessary to agree with Austria. Seehofer by
According to the German press, transit centers could use existing ones
of the federal police, so that new ones should not be built
objects. The head of the CSU would have suggested during the coalition of Tuesday

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