Metalinda came out of the ashes thanks to the anthem. Will the success of the new singl be successful?


yesterday at 14:10 | redakcia

If you want to mention the Metalinda group a year ago in a group of friends and acquaintances, most would probably answer with a remark about Pľa Drapák and the long forgotten glory of the 90s. After relaunching the cradle of the poet of the hymn Nad Tatrou, the group took a breather and the other months benefit from the increased interest of fans and promoters

"The anthem has made us again To beat the world record for us, we love when everyone sings our hits with us, "says guitarist Peter Sámel founder of the group and lead author of his songs

Rock version [19659006] Blonde has over 700,000 views over the past eight months since its release on the official YouTube channel Metalinda and dozens of others are on unofficial downloads. Therefore, with the advent of the new year, the group had to face a difficult challenge to capitalize on this great success. "I myself have been such an answer and I did not expect success, so many responses and comments on the hymns have not brought praise, so we have had to face a difficult task, let another song go to the ether, "admits Sámel

Finally, the group of a number of songs prepared for his sixteenth album chose a song with a strong text and a slogan Love wins . It was a long time ago, but she had to wait for her first. When the new singer arrived Andy he Hudak and received the good accusation

" singing to his previous singers, but none of them could give her what she deserved, and it eventually upset me and I shot her, "says Peter Samel, author of the music and text." When Andy Hudak joined Andy Hudak and recorded new songs in the studio, I gave him this song and he was very angry, so I said – Andy, I'll give it to you, but you have to sing it better than everyone else. Andy and he did it tremendously, they also show brave comments on Youtube. "

The group issued a press release at the end of June, accompanied by a video clip of the band's leader." I was running my camera and cutting my son, Peter, for a long time, thinking where to shoot him when he called me a handsome manor house in Budmerice, which brought the clip to good nobility.The new album plans to release Metalinda in the autumn of this year. [19659005]
Photo: Youtube / Peter Sámel

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