Meteorologist revealed FOREWORD for July: Temperatures will exceed 30 degrees, will tropes come?


The first half of July was hot in Slovakia with normal sunshine. Large differences in parts of the country were recorded by meteorologists in precipitation totals. On the social network is reported by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ)

  Meteorologist revealed FORWARD to

Source: SHMÚ

Until the end of the month it will heat up even more

Informed that the normal temperature difference from 1981 to 2010 was between -0.9 and + 0.5 ° C throughout Slovakia. During the first half of July, they did not notice any influx of very hot air. "It is also possible to say that in most of our territory we have a good amount of sun," said the SHMU. "Since the beginning of July, slightly warm summer temperatures prevail, the temperature around the long-term average, respectively, slightly above average," reported to meteorologist Topky Pavel Matejovič [19659010] Meteorologist Revealed AVANT at ” id=”2219171″ border=”0″ style=”width:454px;” />

Source: SHMU

According to the meteorologist, a similar time will continue in the coming days. "After July 25, the southern warm air will begin to circulate, according to current forecasting models, so temperatures will rise, but there should not be a small heat wave, the maximum will increase slightly above 30 ° C, so the warm weather will probably continue until the end of this month. "[19659907] says

Leto will probably be too hot


  Meteorologist Revealed FORWARD on

Source: SHMU

The Office recorded differences in total precipitation at across the territory of Slovakia. "For the first twelve days of July, there are big differences in our territory, mainly because of the storms, and most of the time it fell from 10 to 30 millimeters of precipitation, but for example Dolný Hričov near Žilina was only 4 millimeters and Kamenica nad Cirochou only one.On the contrary, cooking in Záhorí reported 57 millimeters and Rastislavice in the district of Nové Zámky even up to 94, " supplemented by meteorologists. In the first half of July, there was no significant warming in the southwest.

<img src = "" title = "Meteorológ prezradil PREDPOVEĎ na" alt = "Source: SHMU

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