Michalova Lounge became the rider of the year


53 Slovak natives participated in the project by completing the questionnaires.

Michalovská porodnica became the Jumper of the year. While Slovak maternity hospitals grew by an average of 3.8 percentage points year-on-year, the Michiels registered an improvement of 20 points. At the same time, according to the assessment of experts, she became the best lady of the Košice region. The medical quality indicators were evaluated by the Health Policy Institute (HPI). Jan Fedáková from the World of Health Hospitals network, who also runs the Michalovce settlement

"The price reflects a significant change we made at the maternity ward, and we managed to reduce perinatal mortality to 0.3 ‰, We are sure to be very committed for the future and we want to continue to improve it, "said Marián Haviernik, director of the hospital

The lunch is part of & dquo; A newly built hospital. It has four native rooms, which also have births. In his other words, he does not want to be at the forefront of technical equipment but also access to mothers and children. At the same time, the hospital wants to focus on the education of young doctors and midwives

All 53 indigenous Slovaks were involved in the project by completing the questionnaires. The composition of the indicators and the methodology for their evaluation were developed in cooperation with the Slovak Gynecological and Parental Society, including perinatal indicators, frequency of caesareans, staff safety, material and technical equipment, number of births and the possibility to choose the position.

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