Microsoft is working on a new generation of operating system that offers the best security features to date


A few days ago, Synaptics and AMD announced the beginning of the collaboration on biometric security solutions for consumer and enterprise PCs built on AMD forms. But the latest novelty is that the new biometric technology is part of the new generation of unknown operating systems from Microsoft

"The collaboration brings a new level of security to AMD notebooks using unique technology of Synaptics Match-in-Sensor with powerful AMD processors from Ryzen Mobile and the next Microsoft biometric security system, including Windows Hello, " says Synaptics

Latest and Best Security Features

Synaptics Match-in-Sensor is a truly advanced security technology that maintains fingerprint authentication of the rest of the system. The implementation of authentication on a specialized chip keeps it completely isolated from other system components, which greatly increases security and prevents potential malware from influencing authentication through the entries and the outputs of the Synod coder

Synaptics is more accurate has not defined a new generation special operating system from Microsoft. The latest news was not even Microsoft, and so no one even knows what the operating system is the speech. No doubt that it is a completely new operating system or that this technology will be part of the upgraded modular operating system Windows Core OS [19459004morespecificallyitsdesktopversionofPolarisPolarisshouldfocusondesktopslaptopsand2-in-1deviceswhereadvancedsecurityisreallyneededThenewPolarisoperatingsystemwillbeasomewhatsaferversionofWindowsasitwillfurtherrestrictsomeWin32applicationsandbringmoreUWPapplicationstestedbyMicrosoftThisstepcombinedwithSynaptics'advancedtechnologycanbringatrulyrevolutionaryoperatingsystemwithtrulyexcellentsecuritymakingitafavoriteforlargecompaniesthatreallyneedprotection

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