Microsoft Store gets a new interface, prepare a wish list


After Microsoft has changed the web interface of its digital store as well as the Xbox Store interface, the Microsoft Store that is an integral part of Windows 10 is coming to an end.

This looks like a web-interface and also has new application management capabilities. Specifically, you can install applications and games remotely. This means that it is possible to program the installation of a device to other devices where the same Microsoft account is used

The new version of Microsoft Store is distributed in several phases , depending on the information available.

Other improvements in the preparation

Microsoft has just begun to test other improvements in the digital business, following the model of competition. In the foreseeable future, we would be able to wait for the "wish list" expected, a wish list that your friends can give you with the right game, or you will be informed if any of the items listed is in decline

the fact that the store has recently added the opportunity to give digital content to someone, the introduction of the wish list seems to be another logical step.

Another up-to-date item is the shopping cart, where the items you are interested in will be purchased. When exactly this news could come into circulation is not known. TYP: Users often do not know what the Microsoft Store is. This should change

Source: Aggiornamenti Lumia

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